Hello all,
ComplianceAsCode/Content 0.1.56 has been released.
Among the highlights of this release are:

    Align ism_o profile with latest ISM SSP (#6878)
    Align RHEL 7 STIG profile with DISA STIG V3R3
    Creating new RHEL 7 STIG GUI profile (#6863)
    Creating new RHEL 8 STIG GUI profile (#6862)
    Add the RHEL9 product (#6801)
    Initial support for SUSE SLE-15 (#6666)
    add support for osbuild blueprint remediations (#6970)

For full release notes, please have a look at:
- https://github.com/ComplianceAsCode/content/releases/tag/v0.1.56
Zip archive with pre-built content:
Zip archive with pre-built content using only OVAL-5.10:
Thank you to everyone who contributed!
Happy hardening!


Vojtech Polasek

Software engineer, security compliance