I don't get it. Reading this line from the FAQ
"No, CentOS releases will follow shortly after the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux source. "
leads me to believe that CentOS will be largely usable as it has been, as a free, completely compatible version of RHEL. Yes, with challenges in errata availability, but that's the use case.

Suggesting that CentOS is going to be *upstream* of RHEL suggests several other valuable, but completely different, uses. I'm not sure this is a great move, as I see bigger challenges coming from the free and polished desktop side (*cough* Ubuntu).

RHEL 7 should be very interesting.

On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 4:05 PM, Mike Johnson <mikerjohnson@gmail.com> wrote:
The VA has adopted the DISA STIG and CentOS has been approved for development servers.  I think there are enclave requirements, nevertheless, it can be used.


Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 17:06:32 -0400
From: Shawn Wells <shawn@redhat.com>
To: SCAP Security Guide <scap-security-guide@lists.fedorahosted.org>
Subject: Re: Scap for Centos
Message-ID: <537E66D8.9040604@redhat.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

On 5/22/14, 3:43 PM, Derek Warner wrote:
> Any chance anyone is working on getting SCAP to work on CENTOS? I
> would love to use the scap security guide and secstate to validate
> CENTOS 6.5. Right now its a manual process going line by line in the
> RHEL 5 STIG. I would really love to find out if anyone has anything
> automated that works on CENTOS.

Given that CentOS isn't allowed on DoD networks, there is no STIG, no
common criteria, no support, and doesn't meet any of the mandatory
regulatory requirements, what's driving the need?

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