While others might not care about RHEL 5 I can assure you there's a large enough user base that makes SSG content useless without it.

Not that I have an opinion or anything.


On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Steve Grubb <sgrubb@redhat.com> wrote:

The audit system can take rules that start with

-a always,exit

just as well as rules that start with

-a exit,always

This has been trouble for scanners because people see rules in both orders.
But people complained about this and as of the 2.0.6 release of the audit
package, all rules were in a consistent '-a always,exit' format. Someone
reported a problem on the linux-audit mail list saying they were failing a
scan. I check the SSG content and sure enough, its looking for rules in the
exit,always order. You can check it like so:

grep -rl  '\-a exit\,always'  *

The rules should be fixed to match only always,exit so that everything
everywhere is consistent. I would only be concerned about RHEL6/7 because
there is no possibility of changing the RHEL5 audit package to ship rules that
are consistent.

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