----- Original Message -----
From: "Jan Lieskovsky" jlieskov@redhat.com To: "Martin Preisler" mpreisle@redhat.com Cc: "SCAP Security Guide" scap-security-guide@lists.fedorahosted.org, "open-scap-list" open-scap-list@redhat.com Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 5:05:26 AM Subject: Re: Latest OpenSCAP changes to speed up SSG builds
That would be helpful, yes. Thanks, Martin.
There will be some differences (for example timestamp) for sure. But the point is to ensure there won't be some other inevitable deviations (that could lead e.g. to the reduction of the file size at the end). IOW verification if those XSLT changes are that isolated enough, it won't hurt when they are used also together with old openscap code base (without other patches from upstream being applied).
I wrote a blog post about the optimizations and about the test-case I created to verify correctness. Check it out at https://martin.preisler.me/2016/07/openscap-xslt-performance-improvements-fo... and let me know if this addresses your concerns.
Feel free to run the test-case on your machine as well so that we have more data sources.