Willy Santos, RHCE
Red Hat Consulting
Cell: +1 (301) 254-7077

On 04/27/2012 11:49 AM, Jeffrey Blank wrote:
Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Blank <>
 rhel6/src/input/services/http.xml |  789 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 789 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rhel6/src/input/services/http.xml b/rhel6/src/input/services/http.xml
index 0edea8b..50af842 100644
--- a/rhel6/src/input/services/http.xml
+++ b/rhel6/src/input/services/http.xml
@@ -51,6 +51,795 @@ removing it provides a safeguard against its activation.
 <oval id="package_httpd_removed" />
 <ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />
+</Group> <!--<Group id="disabling_httpd"> -->
+<Group id="installing_httpd">
+<title>Install Apache if Necessary</title>
+<description>If <tt>httpd</tt> was not installed and activated, but the system
+needs to act as a web server, then it should be installed on the system. Follow these
+guidelines to install it defensively. The <tt>httpd</tt> package can be installed with
+the following command:
+<pre># yum install httpd</pre>
+This method of installation is recommended over installing the "Web Server"
+package group during the system installation process. The Web Server package
+group inscludes many packages which are likely extraneous, while the
+command-line method installs only the required <tt>httpd</tt> package itself.
+<!--<ident cce="4346-3" />-->
+<!--<oval id="package_httpd_installed" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Group id="httpd_minimal_modules_installed">
+<title>Confirm Minimal Built-in Modules Installed</title>
+<description>The default <tt>httpd</tt> installation minimizes the number of
+modules that are compiled directly into the binary (<tt>core prefork http_core
+mod_so</tt>). This minimizes risk by limiting the capabilities allowed by the
+Query the set of compiled-in modules using the following command:
+<pre>$ httpd -l</pre>
+If the number of compiled-in modules is significantly larger than the
+aforementioned set, this guide recommends reinstallating <tt>httpd</tt> with a
+reduced configuration. Minimizing the number of modules that are compiled into
+the <tt>httpd</tt> binary, reduces risk by limiting the capabilities allowed by
+the webserver.
+</Group> <!-- <Group id="httpd_minimal_modules_installed"> -->
+</Group> <!-- <Group id="installing_httpd"> -->
+<Group id="securing_httpd">
+<title>Secure Apache Configuration</title>
+<description>The <tt>httpd</tt> configuration file is
+<tt>/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf</tt>. Apply the recommendations in the remainder
+of this section to this file.  </description>
+<Group id="httpd_restrict_info_leakage">
+<title>Restrict Web Server Information Leakage</title>
+The <tt>ServerTokens</tt> and <tt>ServerSignature</tt> directives determine how
+much information the web server discloses about the configuration of the
+system.  </description>
+<Rule id="httpd_servertokens_prod">
+<title>Set httpd <tt>ServerTokens</tt> Directive to <tt>Prod</tt></title>
+<tt>ServerTokens Prod</tt> restricts information in page headers, returning only the word "Apache."
+<br /><br />
+Add or correct the following directive in <tt>/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf</tt>:
+<pre>ServerTokens Prod</pre>
+Information disclosed to clients about the configuration of the web server and system could be used
+to plan an attack on the given system. This information disclosure should be restricted to a minimum.
+<ident cce="4474-3" />
+<oval id="httpd_servertokens_prod" />
+<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />
+<Rule id="httpd_serversignature_off">
+<title>Set httpd <tt>ServerSignature</tt> Directive to <tt>Off</tt></title>
+<tt>ServerSignature Off</tt> restricts <tt>httpd</tt> from displaying server version number
+on error pages.
+<br /><br />
+Add or correct the following directive in <tt>/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf</tt>:
+<pre>ServerSignature Off</pre>
+Information disclosed to clients about the configuration of the web server and system could be used
+to plan an attack on the given system. This information disclosure should be restricted to a minimum.
+<ident cce="3756-4" />
+<oval id="httpd_serversignature_off" />
+<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />
+</Group> <!-- <Group id="httpd_restrict_info_leakage"> -->
+<Group id="httpd_minimize_loadable_modules">
+<title>Minimize Web Server Loadable Modules</title>
+A default installation of <tt>httpd</tt> includes a plethora of dynamically shared objects (DSO)
+that are loaded at run-time. Unlike the aforementioned compiled-in modules, a DSO can be
+disabled in the configuration file by removing the corresponding LoadModule directive.
+<br /><br />
+Note: A DSO only provides additional functionality if associated directives are included
+in the <tt>httpd</tt> configuration file. It should also be noted that removing a DSO will produce
+errors on <tt>httpd</tt> startup if the configuration file contains directives that apply to that
+module. Refer to <tt></tt> for details on which directives
+are associated with each DSO.
+<br /><br />
+Following each DSO removal, the configuration can be tested with the following command
+to check if everything still works:
+<pre># service httpd configtest</pre>
+The purpose of each of the modules loaded by default will now be addressed one at a time.
+If none of a module’s directives are being used, remove it.
+<Group id="httpd_core_modules">
+<title><tt>httpd</tt> Core Modules</title>
+These modules comprise a basic subset of modules that are likely needed for base <tt>httpd</tt>
+functionality; ensure they are not commented out in <tt>/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf</tt>:
+<pre>LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/
+LoadModule authn_default_module modules/
+LoadModule authz_host_module modules/
+LoadModule authz_user_module modules/
+LoadModule authz_groupfile_module modules/
+LoadModule authz_default_module modules/
+LoadModule log_config_module modules/
+LoadModule logio_module modules/
+LoadModule setenvif_module modules/
+LoadModule mime_module modules/
+LoadModule autoindex_module modules/
+LoadModule negotiation_module modules/
+LoadModule dir_module modules/
+LoadModule alias_module modules/</pre>
+Minimizing the number of loadable modules available to the web server reduces risk
+by limiting the capabilities allowed by the web server.
+<Group id="httpd_basic_authentication">
+<title>Minimize Modules for HTTP Basic Authentication</title>
+The following modules are necessary if this web server will provide content that will
+be restricted by a password.
+<br /><br />
+Authentication can be performed using local plain text password files (<tt>authn_file</tt>),
+local DBM password files (<tt>authn_dbm</tt>) or an LDAP directory. The only module required by
+the web server depends on your choice of authentication. Comment out the modules you don’t
+need from the following:
+<pre>LoadModule authn_file_module modules/
+LoadModule authn_dbm_module modules/</pre>
+<tt>authn_alias</tt> allows for authentication based on aliases. <tt>authn_anon</tt>
+allows anonymous authentication similar to that of anonymous ftp sites. <tt>authz_owner</tt>
+allows authorization based on file ownership. <tt>authz_dbm</tt> allows for authorization
+based on group membership if the web server is using DBM authentication.
+<br /><br />
+If the above functionality is unnecessary, comment out the related module:
+<pre>#LoadModule authn_alias_module modules/
+#LoadModule authn_anon_module modules/
+#LoadModule authz_owner_module modules/
+#LoadModule authz_dbm_module modules/</pre>
+Minimizing the number of loadable modules available to the web server reduces risk
+by limiting the capabilities allowed by the web server.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_basic_authentication" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Rule id="httpd_digest_authentication">
+<title>Disable HTTP Digest Authentication</title>
+The <tt>auth_digest</tt> module provides encrypted authentication sessions.
+If this functionality is unnecessary, comment out the related module:
+<pre>#LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/</pre>
+Minimizing the number of loadable modules available to the web server reduces risk
+by limiting the capabilities allowed by the web server.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_digest_authentication" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Rule id="httpd_mod_rewrite">
+<title>Disable HTTP mod_rewrite</title>
+The <tt>mod_rewrite</tt> module is very powerful and can protect against
+certain classes of web attacks. However, it is also very complex and has a
+significant history of vulnerabilities itself.  If its functionality is
+unnecessary, comment out the related module:
+<pre>#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/</pre>
+Minimizing the number of loadable modules available to the web server reduces risk
+by limiting the capabilities allowed by the web server.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_mod_rewrite" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Rule id="httpd_ldap_support">
+<title>Disable LDAP Support</title>
+The <tt>ldap</tt> module provides HTTP authentication via an LDAP directory.
+If its functionality is unnecessary, comment out the related modules:
+<pre>#LoadModule ldap_module modules/
+#LoadModule authnz_ldap_module modules/</pre>
+If LDAP is to be used, SSL encryption should be used as well.
+Minimizing the number of loadable modules available to the web server reduces risk
+by limiting the capabilities allowed by the web server.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_ldap_support" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Rule id="httpd_server_side_includes">
+<title>Disable Server Side Includes</title>
+Server Side Includes provide a method of dynamically generating web pages through the
+insertion of server-side code. However, the technology is also deprecated and
+introduces significant security concerns.
+If this functionality is unnecessary, comment out the related module:
+<pre>#LoadModule include_module modules/</pre>
+If there is a critical need for Server Side Includes, they should be enabled with the
+option <tt>IncludesNoExec</tt> to prevent arbitrary code execution. Additionally, user
+supplied data should be encoded to prevent cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.
+Minimizing the number of loadable modules available to the web server reduces risk
+by limiting the capabilities allowed by the web server.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_server_side_includes" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Rule id="httpd_mime_magic">
+<title>Disable MIME Magic</title>
+The <tt>mime_magic</tt> module provides a second layer of MIME support that in most configurations
+is likely extraneous.  If its functionality is unnecessary, comment out the related module:
+<pre>#LoadModule mime_magic_module modules/</pre>
+Minimizing the number of loadable modules available to the web server reduces risk
+by limiting the capabilities allowed by the web server.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_mime_magic" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Rule id="httpd_webdav">
+<title>Disable WebDAV (Distributed Authoring and Versioning)</title>
+WebDAV is an extension of the HTTP protocol that provides distributed and
+collaborative access to web content.  If its functionality is unnecessary,
+comment out the related modules:
+<pre>#LoadModule dav_module modules/
+#LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/</pre>
+If there is a critical need for WebDAV, extra care should be taken in its configuration.
+Since DAV access allows remote clients to manipulate server files, any location on the
+server that is DAV enabled should be protected by access controls.
+Minimizing the number of loadable modules available to the web server, reduces risk
+by limiting the capabilities allowed by the web server.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_webdav" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Rule id="httpd_server_activity_status">
+<title>Disable Server Activity Status</title>
+The <tt>status</tt> module provides real-time access to statistics on the internal operation of
+the web server. This may constitute an unnecessary information leak and should be disabled
+unless necessary.  To do so, comment out the related module:
+<pre>#LoadModule status_module modules/</pre>
+If there is a critical need for this module, ensure that access to the status
+page is properly restricted to a limited set of hosts in the status handler
+Minimizing the number of loadable modules available to the web server reduces risk
+by limiting the capabilities allowed by the web server.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_server_activity_status" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Rule id="httpd_server_configuration_display">
+<title>Disable Web Server Configuration Display</title>
+The <tt>info</tt> module creates a web page illustrating the configuration of the web server. This
+can create an unnecessary security leak and should be disabled.
+If its functionality is unnecessary, comment out the module:
+<pre>#LoadModule info_module modules/</pre>
+If there is a critical need for this module, use the <tt>Location</tt> directive to provide
+an access control list to restrict access to the information.
+Minimizing the number of loadable modules available to the web server reduces risk
+by limiting the capabilities allowed by the web server.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_server_configuration_display" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Rule id="httpd_url_correction">
+<title>Disable URL Correction on Misspelled Entries</title>
+The <tt>speling</tt> module attempts to find a document match by allowing one misspelling in an
+otherwise failed request. If this functionality is unnecessary, comment out the module:
+<pre>#LoadModule speling_module modules/</pre>
+This functionality weakens server security by making site enumeration easier.
+Minimizing the number of loadable modules available to the web server reduces risk
+by limiting the capabilities allowed by the web server.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_url_correction" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Rule id="httpd_proxy_support">
+<title>Disable Proxy Support</title>
+The <tt>proxy</tt> module provides proxying support, allowing <tt>httpd</tt> to forward requests and
+serve as a gateway for other servers.  If its functionality is unnecessary, comment out the module:
+<pre>#LoadModule proxy_module modules/</pre>
+<!-- dependencies: #LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/
+#LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/
+#LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
+#LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/>
+If proxy support is needed, load <tt>mod_proxy</tt> and the appropriate proxy protocol handler
+module (one of <tt>mod_proxy_http</tt>, <tt>mod_proxy_ftp</tt>, or <tt>mod_proxy_connect</tt>). Additionally,
+make certain that a server is secure before enabling proxying, as open proxy servers
+are a security risk. <tt>mod_proxy_balancer</tt> enables load balancing, but requires that
+<tt>mod status</tt> be enabled.
+Minimizing the number of loadable modules available to the web server reduces risk
+by limiting the capabilities allowed by the web server.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_proxy_support" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Rule id="httpd_cache_support">
+<title>Disable Cache Support</title>
+The <tt>cache</tt> module allows <tt>httpd</tt> to cache data, optimizing access to
+frequently accessed content.  However, it introduces potential security flaws
+such as the possibility of circumventing <tt>Allow</tt> and
+<tt>Deny</tt> directives.
+<br /><br /> If this functionality is
+unnecessary, comment out the module:
+<pre>#LoadModule cache_module modules/</pre>
+If caching is required, it should not be enabled for any limited-access content.
+Minimizing the number of loadable modules available to the web server reduces risk
+by limiting the capabilities allowed by the web server.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_cache_support" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Rule id="httpd_cgi_support">
+<title>Disable CGI Support</title>
+The <tt>cgi</tt> module allows HTML to interact with the CGI web programming language.
+<br /><br />
+If this functionality is unnecessary, comment out the module:
+<pre>#LoadModule cgi_module modules/</pre>
+<!--#LoadModule env_module modules/
+#LoadModule actions_module modules/
+#LoadModule suexec_module modules/ -->
+If the web server requires the use of CGI, enable <tt>mod_cgi</tt>.
+<!-- If extended
+CGI functionality is required, include the appropriate modules. <tt>env</tt> allows for
+control of the environment passed to CGI scripts. <tt>actions</tt> allows CGI events
+to be triggered when files of a certain type are requested. <tt>su exec</tt> allows
+CGI scripts to run as a specified user/group instead of as the server’s user/group. -->
+Minimizing the number of loadable modules available to the web server reduces risk
+by limiting the capabilities allowed by the web server.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_cgi_support" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Group id="httpd_optional_components">
+<title>Minimize Various Optional Components</title>
+The following modules perform very specific tasks, sometimes providing access to
+just a few additional directives. If such functionality is not required (or if you
+are not using these directives), comment out the associated module:
+<li>External filtering (response passed through external program prior to client delivery)
+<pre>#LoadModule ext_filter_module modules/</pre></li>
+<li>User-specified Cache Control and Expiration
+<pre>#LoadModule expires_module modules/</pre></li>
+<li>Compression Output Filter (provides content compression prior to client delivery)
+<pre>#LoadModule deflate_module modules/</pre></li>
+<li>HTTP Response/Request Header Customization
+<pre>#LoadModule headers_module modules/</pre></li>
+<li>User activity monitoring via cookies
+<pre>#LoadModule usertrack_module modules/</pre></li>
+<li>Dynamically configured mass virtual hosting
+<pre>#LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/</pre></li>
+Minimizing the number of loadable modules available to the web server reduces risk
+by limiting the capabilities allowed by the web server.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_optional_components" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Group id="httpd_minimize_config_files_included">
+<title>Minimize Configuration Files Included</title>
+The <tt>Include</tt> directive directs <tt>httpd</tt> to load supplementary configuration files
+from a provided path. The default configuration loads all files that end in <tt>.conf</tt>
+from the <tt>/etc/httpd/conf.d</tt> directory.
+<br /><br />
+To restrict excess configuration, the following line should be commented out and
+replaced with <tt>Include</tt> directives that only reference required configuration files:
+<pre>#Include conf.d/*.conf</pre>
+If the above change was made, ensure that the SSL encryption remains loaded by
+explicitly including the corresponding configuration file:
+<pre>Include conf.d/ssl.conf</pre>
+If PHP is necessary, a similar alteration must be made:
+<pre>Include conf.d/php.conf</pre>
+Explicitly listing the configuration files to be loaded during web server start-up avoids
+the possibility of unwanted or malicious configuration files to be automatically included as
+part of the server's running configuration.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_minimize_config_files_included" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+</Group> <!-- <Group id="httpd_core_modules"> -->
+</Group> <!-- <Group id="httpd_minimize_loadable_modules"> -->
+<Group id="httpd_directory_restrictions">
+<title>Directory Restrictions</title>
+The Directory tags in the web server configuration file allow finer grained access
+control for a specified directory. All web directories should be configured on a
+case-by-case basis, allowing access only where needed.
+<Rule id="httpd_restrict_root_directory">
+<title>Restrict Root Directory</title>
+The <tt>httpd</tt> root directory should always have the most restrictive configuration enabled.
+<pre>&lt;Directory / &gt;
+   Options None
+   AllowOverride None
+   Order allow,deny
+The Web Server's root directory content should be protected from unauthorized access
+by web clients.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_restrict_root_directory" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Rule id="httpd_restrict_web_directory">
+<title>Restrict Web Directory</title>
+The default configuration for the web (<tt>/var/www/html</tt>) Directory allows directory
+indexing (<tt>Indexes</tt>) and the following of symbolic links (<tt>FollowSymLinks</tt>).
+Neither of these is recommended.
+<br /><br />
+The <tt>/var/www/html</tt> directory hierarchy should not be viewable via the web, and
+symlinks should only be followed if the owner of the symlink also owns the linked file.
+<br /><br />
+Ensure that this policy is adhered to by altering the related section of the configuration:
+<pre>&lt;Directory "/var/www/html"&gt;
+#  ...
+   Options SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
+#  ...
+Access to the web server's directory hierarchy could allow access to unauthorized files
+by web clients. Following symbolic links could also allow such access.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_restrict_web_directory" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Rule id="httpd_restrict_critical_directories">
+<title>Restrict Other Critical Directories</title>
+All accessible web directories should be configured with similarly restrictive settings.
+The <tt>Options</tt> directive should be limited to necessary functionality and the <tt>AllowOverride</tt>
+directive should be used only if needed. The <tt>Order</tt> and <tt>Deny</tt> access control tags
+should be used to deny access by default, allowing access only where necessary.
+Directories accessible from a web client should be configured with the least amount of
+access possible in order to avoid unauthorized access to restricted content or server information.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_restrict_critical_directories" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+<Rule id="httpd_limit_available_methods">
+<title>Limit Available Methods</title>
+Web server methods are defined in section 9 of RFC 2616 (
+If a web server does not require the implementation of all available methods,
+they should be disabled.
+<br /><br />
+Note: <tt>GET</tt> and <tt>POST</tt> are the most common methods. A majority of the others
+are limited to the WebDAV protocol.
+<pre>&lt;Directory /var/www/html&gt;
+# ...
+   # Only allow specific methods (this command is case-sensitive!)
+   &lt;LimitExcept GET POST&gt;
+      Order allow,deny
+   &lt;/LimitExcept&gt;
+# ...
+Minimizing the number of available methods to the web client reduces risk
+by limiting the capabilities allowed by the web server.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<!--<oval id="httpd_limit_available_methods" />-->
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+</Group> <!-- <Group id="httpd_directory_restrictions"> -->
+<Group id="httpd_modules_improve_security">
+<title>Use Appropriate Modules to Improve <tt>httpd</tt>'s Security</title>
+Among the modules available for <tt>httpd</tt> are several whose use may improve the
+security of the web server installation. This section recommends and discusses
+the deployment of security-relevant modules.
+<Group id="httpd_deploy_mod_ssl">
+<title>Deploy <tt>mod_ssl</tt></title>
+Because HTTP is a plain text protocol, all traffic is susceptible to passive
+monitoring. If there is a need for confidentiality, SSL should be configured
+and enabled to encrypt content.
+<br /><br />
+Note: <tt>mod_nss</tt> is a FIPS 140-2 certified alternative to <tt>mod_ssl</tt>.
+The modules share a considerable amount of code and should be nearly identical
+in functionality. If FIPS 140-2 validation is required, then <tt>mod_nss</tt> should
+be used. If it provides some feature or its greater compatibility is required,
+then <tt>mod_ssl</tt> should be used.
+<Rule id="httpd_install_mod_ssl">
+<title>Install <tt>mod_ssl</tt></title>
+Install the <tt>mod_ssl</tt> module:
+<pre># yum install mod_ssl</pre>
+<tt>mod_ssl</tt> provides encryption capabilites for the <tt>httpd</tt> Web server. Unencrypted
+content is transmitted in plain text which could be passively monitored and accessed by
+unauthorized parties.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<oval id="package_mod_ssl_installed" />
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+</Group> <!-- <Group id="httpd_deploy_mod_ssl"> -->
+<Group id="httpd_deploy_mod_security">
+<title>Deploy <tt>mod_security</tt></title>
+The <tt>security</tt> module provides an application level firewall for <tt>httpd</tt>.
+Following its installation with the base ruleset, specific configuration advice can be found at
+ to design a policy that best matches the security needs of
+the web applications.  Usage of <tt>mod_security</tt> is highly recommended for some environments,
+but it should be noted this module does not ship with Red Hat Enterprise Linux itself,
+and instead is provided via Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL).
+For more information on EPEL please refer to
+<Rule id="httpd_install_mod_security">
+<title>Install <tt>mod_security</tt></title>
+Install the <tt>security</tt> module:
+<pre># yum install mod_security</pre>
+<!-- this is in EPEL and this rule should not be included in any RHEL-only baselines -->
+<tt>mod_security</tt> provides an additional level of protection for the web server by
+enabling the administrator to implement content access policies and filters at the
+application layer.
+<!--<ident cce="3756-4" />-->
+<oval id="package_mod_security_installed" />
+<!--<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />-->
+</Group> <!-- <Group id="httpd_deploy_mod_security"> -->
+</Group> <!-- <Group id="httpd_modules_improve_security"> -->
+<Group id="httpd_use_dos_protection_modules">
+<title>Use Denial-of-Service Protection Modules</title>
+Denial-of-service attacks are difficult to detect and prevent while maintaining
+acceptable access to authorized users. However, some traffic-shaping
+modules can be used to address the problem. Well-known DoS protection modules include:
+<pre>mod_cband mod_bwshare mod_limitipconn mod_evasive</pre>
+Denial-of-service prevention should be implemented for a web server if such a threat exists.
+However, specific configuration details are very dependent on the environment and often best left
+at the discretion of the administrator.
+</Group> <!-- <Group id="httpd_use_dos_protection_modules"> -->
+<Group id="httpd_configure_php_securely">
+<title>Configure PHP Securely</title>
+PHP is a widely-used and often misconfigured server-side scripting language. It should
+be used with caution, but configured appropriately when needed.
+<br /><br />
+Review <tt>/etc/php.ini</tt> and make the following changes if possible:
+<pre># Do not expose PHP error messages to external users
+display_errors = Off
+# Enable safe mode
+safe_mode = On
+# Only allow access to executables in isolated directory
+safe_mode_exec_dir = php-required-executables-path
+# Limit external access to PHP environment
+safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = PHP_
+# Restrict PHP information leakage
+expose_php = Off
+# Log all errors
+log_errors = On
+# Do not register globals for input data
+register_globals = Off
+# Minimize allowable PHP post size
+post_max_size = 1K
+# Ensure PHP redirects appropriately
+cgi.force_redirect = 0
+# Disallow uploading unless necessary
+file_uploads = Off
+# Disallow treatment of file requests as fopen calls
+allow_url_fopen = Off
+# Enable SQL safe mode
+sql.safe_mode = On
+</Group> <!-- <Group id="httpd_configure_php_securely"> -->
+<Group id="httpd_configure_os_protect_web_server">
+<title>Configure Operating System to Protect Web Server</title>
+The following configuration steps should be taken on the machine which hosts the
+web server, in order to provide as safe an environment as possible for the web server.
+<Group id="httpd_restrict_file_dir_access">
+<title>Restrict File and Directory Access</title>
+Minimize access to critical <tt>httpd</tt> files and directories.
+<Rule id="httpd_logs_permissions">
+<title>Set Permissions on the <tt>/var/log/httpd/</tt> Directory</title>
+Ensure that the permissions on the web server log directory is set to 700:
+<pre># chmod 700 /var/log/httpd/</pre>
+This is its default setting.
+Access to the web server's log files may allow an unauthorized user or attacker
+to access information about the web server or alter the server's log files.
+<ident cce="4574-0" />
+<oval id="dir_perms_var_log_httpd" />
+<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />
+<Rule id="httpd_conf_dir_permissions">
+<title>Set Permissions on the <tt>/etc/httpd/conf/</tt> Directory</title>
+Set permissions on the web server configuration directory to 750:
+<pre># chmod 750 /etc/httpd/conf/</pre>
+Access to the web server's configuration files may allow an unauthorized user or attacker
+to access information about the web server or alter the server's configuration files.
+<!-- <ident cce="4574-0" /> -->
+<oval id="dir_perms_etc_httpd_conf" />
+<!-- <ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" /> -->
+<Rule id="httpd_conf_files_permissions">
+<title>Set Permissions on All Configuration Files Inside <tt>/etc/httpd/conf/</tt></title>
+Set permissions on the web server configuration files to 640:
+<pre># chmod 640 /etc/httpd/conf/*</pre>
+Access to the web server's configuration files may allow an unauthorized user or attacker
+to access information about the web server or to alter the server's configuration files.
+<ident cce="4386-9" />
+<oval id="file_permissions_httpd_server_conf_files" />
+<ref nist="CM-6, CM-7" />
+</Group> <!-- <Group id="httpd_restrict_file_dir_access"> -->
+<Group id="httpd_configure_iptables">
+<title>Configure <tt>iptables</tt> to Allow Access to the Web Server</title>
+By default, <tt>iptables</tt> blocks access to the ports used by the web server.
+To configure <tt>iptables</tt> to allow port 80 traffic edit <tt>/etc/sysconfig/iptables</tt>.
+Add the following line, ensuring that it appears before the final LOG and DROP lines for
+the RH-Firewall-1-INPUT chain:
+<pre>-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT</pre>
+To configure <tt>iptables</tt> to allow port 443 traffic edit <tt>/etc/sysconfig/iptables</tt>.
+Add the following line, ensuring that it appears before the final LOG and DROP lines for
+the RH-Firewall-1-INPUT chain:
+<pre>-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT</pre>
+</Group> <!-- <Group id="httpd_configure_iptables"> -->
+<Group id="httpd_chroot">
+<title>Run <tt>httpd</tt> in a <tt>chroot</tt> Jail if Practical</title>
+Running <tt>httpd</tt> inside a <tt>chroot</tt> jail is designed to isolate the
+web server process to a small section of the filesystem, limiting the damage if
+it is compromised.  Versions of Apache greater than 2.2.10 (such as the one
+included with RHEL 6) provide the <tt>ChrootDir</tt> directive.  To run Apache
+inside a chroot jail in <tt>/chroot/apache</tt>, add the following line to
+<tt>/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf</tt>: <pre>ChrootDir /chroot/apache</pre> This
+necessitates placing all files required by <tt>httpd</tt> inside
+<tt>/chroot/apache</tt> , including <tt>httpd</tt>'s binaries, modules,
+configuration files, and served web pages. The details of this configuration
+are beyond the scope of this guide.  This may also require additional SELinux
+</Group> <!-- <Group id="httpd_chroot"> -->
+</Group> <!-- <Group id="httpd_configure_os_protect_web_server"> -->
+</Group> <!-- <Group id="securing_httpd"> -->
+</Group> <!-- <Group id="http"> -->

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