  Just wanted to post some interesting lines from running the SCC3.1 tool with the latest SSG yum content.  I'm seeing a fair number of items failing with messages like the following (an example line item):

RH64-64: Processing (1 of 385) Ensure /tmp Located On Separate Partition - (CCE-26435-8)
[ERROR] 'no line is returned' does not match 'oval:[A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+:var:[1-9][0-9]*'. at /</opt/scc/cscc>System/ line 2855.
[ERROR] Check system [ocil-transitional] is not supported. Check will not be performed.
       Target System:       RH64-64
       Selected Profile:    rht-ccp
       Stream Name:         ssg-rhel6-
       Stream Version:      0.9
       Stream Date:         2013-07-05
       Rule ID:             partition_for_tmp

This line is showing both example of the errors I've seen , the oval match issue and the ocil-transitional stuff.  It appears the errors are always the same, and scattered independently through the 385 checks, for a total of 131 errors listed.

I have done exactly zero digging to see what is happening, just wanted to toss this out to the collective eyeballs of the group.
