
Here is another of the promised followups to your hanging patch submissions. This patch appears to have been partially applied, perhaps by a later patchset from another party, and I wanted to follow up with you to see if there are any hanging ruleid name changes in your queue.

Upon careful examination, in the file RHEL/6/auxilary/stig_overlay.xml, the following ownerids had their ruleids renamed to the values you suggested:
- RHEL-06-000032
- RHEL-06-000099
- RHEL-06-000342
- RHEL-06-000343
- RHEL-06-000344
- RHEL-06-000345

The following was not:
- RHEL-06-000163

If RHEL-06-000163 should still be updated to read "nonselected" as its ruleid, let me know, and I will create a small patch. Here are the relevant overlay lines for reference:

    <overlay owner="disastig" ruleid="configure_auditd_admin_space_left_action" ownerid="RHEL-06-000163" disa="1343" severity="medium">
        <title>The audit system must switch the system to single-user mode when available audit storage volume becomes dangerously low.</title>

- Maura Dailey

On 11/20/2013 03:10 PM, Steinke, Leland J Sr CTR DISA FSO (US) wrote:
Would it be simpler to remove the associated XCCDF rules from the STIG
I actually removed them for a while, but put them back in.  At this
point, the "selected" and "not selected" findings are indicated by the
presence or absence of the VMS identifiers, respectively.

Leland Steinke, Security+
DISA FSO Technical Support Contractor
tapestry technologies, Inc
717-267-5797 (DSN 570)
leland.j.steinke.ctr@mail.mil (gov't)
lsteinke@tapestrytech.com (com'l)

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