On Fri, Aug 12, 2022 at 8:14 PM Dusty Mabe dusty@dustymabe.com wrote:
There is a thunderbird extension that allows you to pop open the email compose window into an external editor: https://github.com/Frederick888/external-editor-revived/
It's rust based and appears to have one build dep that isn't in Fedora right now: https://crates.io/crates/web-ext-native-messaging
The external editor isn't on crates.io, but I can make the necessary modifications to the spec file (generated by rust2rpm) to deal with that.
For web-ext-native-messaging I generated a spec using rust2rpm and built it pretty easy. Since it follows the normal pattern is there a way for the rust sig to import and maintain the web-ext-native-messaging dep?
For external-editor-revived, since it's not a library (not a build dep of anything) I assume I should name the RPM `external-editor-revived` without the rust- prefix, correct?
Thanks for any help here!
You are right. The package name would be external-editor-revived, without the "rust-" prefix. Since it doesn't provide a library interface, packaging it from GitHub (and not crates.io) is fine, as well.
I assume that there will be some manual work involved, according to the steps outlined here? https://github.com/Frederick888/external-editor-revived/wiki/Source-Installa...
If it helps you, you can look at the packaging for sequoia-octopus-librnp. This package also only builds an .so file and installs that manually to the correct place.
I assume you'll need to do something similar for the "native messaging host" for external-editor-revived, and also do the packaging of the thunderbird extension itself (no idea how that works :), sorry).
For the one missing dependency web-ext-native-messaging (web-ext-native-messaging), it appears that we already have everything that's needed to package it in Fedora: https://crates.io/crates/web-ext-native-messaging/0.1.0/dependencies
I can submit a review request for that one crate later.