On 13/09/10 12:16 -0500, Michael Stahnke wrote:
his is not Rack/Sinatra relevant bug, but Ruby 1.8.6 bug.
After I tried this gem with Ruby 1.8.7 installed through 'rvm', this exception dissapears and all stuff is working normally now.
I hope we will have Ruby 1.8.7 soon ;-)
That rules out Rack-1.2 for EPEL5 and EPEL6, as ruby is still 1.8.6 in those. I really wish Red Hat would have moved up Ruby to 1.8.7 in RHEL6, but they didn't.
Does rack-1.1 work for Sinatra currently?
Positive. Rack 1.1.0 is compatible with Sinatra under Ruby 1.8.6.
-- Michal