Firstly, sorry, I run a modified test suite (another PR).

Here's a correct log (master branch), same error I think:

On Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 2:58 PM Vít Ondruch <> wrote:

Dne 13. 09. 23 v 14:19 Pavel Valena napsal(a):
> Hello,
> I've checked the "ruby" test suite in /tests/ namespace.
> I have one test failing (run as default, virtual, F38):

You run that on your machine, right?

No, tmt runs it in a VM.

> Is that expected, is someone looking into it,

This probably:

> and, lastly, do we plan to use it for CI?

I think this was attempt enabling the test suite:


I don't think we can count on Iveta pushing this forward :/

Any takers? If not, I'll look into it when I have some spare cycles.

