
I've been using the Atmel AVR series of microcontrollers for years as they were designed with C in mind unlike older architectures (ie. Microchip PIC and others).

There's a large community and the open source GCC compiler source works for it so you don't have to learn yet another compiler as it's a transferrable skill.

An excellent source of information is: www.avrfreaks.net

as for robot kits I can't really suggest one as I've always designed mine from scratch... (yeah, I like headaches!)
But if money is no issue there's lots of educational robot kits available... check www.robotshop.ca for such kits...

ps: i have no affiliations with above sites btw. Just spitting out stuff from the top of my head...

Good hunting


On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 4:12 PM, Paul Otheim <coriolis220@gmail.com> wrote:

I am looking for a robot or perhaps a microcontroller that is programmable in C. I am a beginner at this but ultimately would like to build a working robot and practice my C programming skills in the process. I would appreciate any suggestions on beginner kits, perhaps even intermediate. I don't mind soldering and I am quite comfortable with tools. Really I am just looking for a good place to start, the only requirement, be it a microcontroller or a robotics kit, that I am really looking to satisfy is that it use C as its  programming language.


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