On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 9:54 AM, Tom Callaway <tcallawa@redhat.com> wrote:
Just as an FYI, I'm in the process of attempting to package up the ROS
Fuerte stack in a way that I hope could be acceptable for inclusion in
Fedora, and making some reasonable progress.

I'll probably end up needing a lot of reviews if/when I am successful.
At the moment, I'm running into an issue where the ROS component
"perception_pcl" depends on a forked version of PCL that ROS only makes
available in a binary Ubuntu dpkg. I have opened a bug with ROS asking
for the corresponding source code, but so far, they haven't responded.
(If anyone knows where I can find that magic ROS PCL source code fork,
please let me know.)


Hi Tom,

That's great to hear!  Before you get too far, I've already started by packaging some of the helper utilities[1].  I think they're about ready to post for review, which I can do tonight if you don't see any issues.  If you would like to coordinate efforts, we also have a wiki page[2] started to track progress, we can convert it into a table with package names, versions, packaging status, and review status, then we can branch out and get all the specfiles written.

It looks like the version of PCL that fuerte is including is marked as 1.5.2[2].  Given the date in the package name, it looks like they probably took an svn snapshot[3] on that date and bumped the version from the latest release(1.5.1).  I agree it would be nice if they posted source packages with the binary packages in their ubuntu repositories.

Are you having trouble getting things to build with the PCL packages we have in Fedora right now?


[1] http://rmattes.fedorapeople.org/rospackages/
[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Robotics/ROS_Packaging
[3] http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu/pool/main/r/ros-fuerte-pcl/
[4] http://dev.pointclouds.org/projects/pcl/repository