Logs are there really... I have looked for some other pattern, but here they are:
2014-01-10 16:40:34,818 INFO  [InventoryManager.availability-1] (rhq.core.pc.inventory.AvailabilityExecutor)- Scan Starting: Fri Jan 10 16:40:34 CET 2014
2014-01-10 16:40:34,883 ERROR [ResourceContainer.invoker.daemon-7] (org.rhq.plugins.netservices.HTTPNetServiceComponent)- javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated
2014-01-10 16:40:34,883 INFO  [InventoryManager.availability-1] (rhq.core.pc.inventory.AvailabilityExecutor)- Scan Ended   : Fri Jan 10 16:40:34 CET 2014 : Scan [startTime=1389368434818, endTime=1389368434883, runtime=65, isFull=true, isForced=false, numResources=1, numGetAvailabilityCalls=1, numScheduledRandomly=0, numPushedByInterval=1, numAvailabilityChanges=0, numDeferToParent=0]

It's a Debian system with Oracle Java 6. The server certs are not self signed, but the CA is not a very well known one.

Thanks for the advice, will come back soon with the result! 


Have a nice weekend!


2014/1/10 Thomas Segismont <tsegismo@redhat.com>
Le 10/01/2014 15:56, Attila Heidrich a écrit :
I have found the clues I guess... keystore stuff should be in
<agent-dir>/conf according to the java default prefs
   <entry key="rhq.agent.client.security.keystore.file"
   <entry key="rhq.agent.client.security.truststore.file"

but no such entries in the current config, and the whole section is
commented in the agent-configuration.xml.


2014/1/10 Attila Heidrich <attila.heidrich@gmail.com

    No error message, at least not in agent.log.

^^ that's weird, HTTPNetServiceComponent logs exceptions at error level


    I also think it should be related to the SSL communication, like the
    CAs key is not in the Java/Jboss keystore. Unfortunately, I do not
    know, how to install it, and can not find a howto either.

You're running a Debian bases system IIRC? Do you use OpenJDK or did you correctly setup OracleJDK as an alternative? If you did, then I recommend you follow this method:

The idea is basically to install your CA certificate in the system folder for certificates ("/etc/ssl/certs") and then to run "update-ca-certificates". Then all systems tools (curl and friends) and the JVM will recognize your CA.

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