I previously had a simple customized JMX server working which included an application MBean with %engine% and %port% as dynamic parts of the name. It successfully discovered the MBean and a couple of metrics.
Today, I tried to refine it so that it would discover all the MBeans and all by replacing a fixed string with the %interaction% variable to the objectName pattern and the new simple-property element for it. There are about 15 MBeans matching this pattern. The XML comment below illustrates a concrete MBean name.
Now, the resource is not dynamically discovered so I tried manually adding it and get this error:
There are no connection properties defined for ResourceType[id=10222, category=Server, name=Initiate JMX server, plugin=Initiate Hub]
(At one point, in error, I changed the plugin name from "Initiate JMX" to "Initiate Hub". After some work, it nows accepts this new name.)
This is the new plugin descriptor. Can anyone suggest what the problen night be?
<plugin name="Initiate Hub"
        displayName="Initiate Hub JMX Interface"
        description="Extends the JMX Plugin to support the Initiate Mbeans"
  <depends plugin="JMX" useClasses="true"/>
   <server name="Initiate JMX server"
<!-- Initiate services (One service per mbean) -->
      <service name="Initiate Interaction MBean"
          description="Initiate interaction metrics">
          <parent-resource-type name="JMX Server" plugin="JMX"/>
           <c:simple-property name="objectName" readOnly="true"
<!--             default="com.initiatesystems:service=MPINETEMPI_UAT,category=Listeners,id=16070,type=Interactions,ixn=MEMSEARCH"/> -->
           <c:simple-property name="nameTemplate" default="{engine}:{port} {interaction}"/>           
           <c:simple-property name="descriptionTemplate" default="Initiate Hub {engine} on port {port} Interaction [interaction}"/>
          <c:simple-property name="engine" type="string" description="Engine instance name"/>
          <c:simple-property name="port" type="integer" description="Listener port number"/>
          <c:simple-property name="interaction" type="string" description="Interaction type"/>
    <metric displayName="Audit level for the specific interaction"
Al Amyot | Consultant
Sierra Systems

(eHealth): 204-926-4257 (T): 204-942-2575  (F): 204-942-2047
444 St. Mary Avenue, Suite 1050
Winnipeg, MB  R3C 3T1

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