The version data below belongs to the server which runs the RHQ server and the RHQ database.

I understand it's easy to reach the 10K open files, I can also accept if it is normal, but what are the recommended settings then? Other Pg servers which don't run the RHQ server works for a long time with higher "active backend" amount and much smaller "open files" amount!

root@ct-front:/etc/postgresql/9.2/main# ulimit -n


2013/9/24 Attila Heidrich <>
OS is Debian Wheezy (64bit)
Pg: 9.2.4-1.pgdg70+1
RHQ is 4.9

Other hosts running the very same versions, the agent-only configs have no problem at all (only the agents' problem with Pg 9.2). There are also other Linux versions and a few Windows config (XP and 2008 server), most of the platform runs Pg as well.
