What is portservice for then? 

I would like to use stg to check whether a given TCP port on a given host is accessible/open, or not, exactly the way I use telnet, may or may not it mean anything for others :)

No conversation, just to check the "connected" status. If I can do any conversation, I can use some more specific plugin, like SMTP, postgres, mysql, ssh, or whatever else.

Anyway, I have tried to setup several portservices on another agent (same RHQ cluster) too - and none was ever successful there either.
There are proprietary, and well known port/services (like http over 8080, or ssh on a non standard port) among them.


2014-03-13 15:12 GMT+01:00 Thomas Segismont <tsegismo@redhat.com>:
Le 13/03/2014 15:04, Heiko W.Rupp a écrit :

Am 13.03.2014 um 12:08 schrieb Thomas Segismont <tsegismo@redhat.com>:
The port will be reported available if a TCP connection can be established from the platform under which the PortService shows up

If you telnet from your machine it does mean anything.

Telnet <ip> <port>  is for me the generic way to check if a port is available on a remote - this does for me not tell anything about the service itself. There is the telnet virtual server (or such) "standard" that services like smtp, http, ... all adhere to and which do not mean you can log into any of those to get a user shell.
This is what I understood here

I actually meant that telnet from the platform under which the PortService shows up is what Attila should be trying. If he ran telnet from his box it does not mean anything.

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