Hello Lucas -
Thank you for the reply.
Yes I heard about the bug you referenced.
Actually I started adding my script to the alert when I define them but since nothing was happening I thought that I might not have followed the proper procedures and that is why I went through the Content deployment guide and saw the steps to upload a CLI script as a package and decided to try it and see if the outcome would be any different but I was stopped by the bug. So for now I will continue adding the script to the alert.

Another reason I decided to try uploading the script through the content repository was to see if I would be able to add tokens to the script somehow. I know that only resource operations allow token for now but I was curious to see if loading the script into the content would allow that.
The reason behind this is that I think there is a need for script attached to alerts to allow tokens to make them more flexible so that other parameters that cannot be derived from the alert and the resource that triggered it can be passed in to the script.
Anyway thank you for the answer and I will continue to use the workaround for now.

