Hi all,

I'm working a java tool to export RHQ configuration and import in a new instance - which should help migrating instance between version and/or databases. I managed to export group definition, by tricking a little bit the Remote API (2.4.2):

resources = getResourceGroupManager().findResourceGroupsByCriteria(baseRemote.getSubject(), criteria);
for ( ResourceGroup resource : resources ) {

However, I'm pretty much stuck right now, when it comes to importing those group. I've tried to "pass them along" with a dummy group definition...

ResourceGroup resGroup = new ResourceGroup("dummy2");
for ( GroupDefinition groupDefinition : groupDefinitions )

... but it failed as Hibernate is complaining (rightfullly) that those entities are transient...

Any proper way to do this ? Would it be difficult to change RHQ code to allow that ? If so, I'll be happy to be pointed to the right direction...

Thanks a lot !

"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it" -- Terry Pratchett