Ok, the replica issue was that 2 of my nodes were down.  I brought those up, but still get the ‘loading’ message when I click on the Alert Definition Templates’.

Message indicates the server is taking too long but results never come back, and nothing shows in my logs.





From: barry.barnett@wellsfargo.com [mailto:barry.barnett@wellsfargo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 8:39 AM
To: rhq-users@lists.fedorahosted.org
Subject: RHQ alert definition template issue




I have RHQ4.13.1 installed.  I’m running 5 RHQ server instances clustered together (each on its own server) with a backend shared Oracle DB.


When I first completed the installation and configuration, the ‘Alert Definition Templates’ would load when I clicked on the link in the Admin panel of the GUI.  Now, after a few months, when I click on the Alert Definition Templates, it simply says ‘loading’ and never loads.  I see this error in the logs:


Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.UnavailableException: Not enough replica available for query at consistency ONE (1 required but only 0 alive)

        at org.rhq.cassandra.schema.AbstractManager.getInstalledSchemaVersion(AbstractManager.java:193) [rhq-cassandra-schema-4.13.1.jar:4.13.1]

        at org.rhq.cassandra.schema.VersionManager.checkCompatibility(VersionManager.java:266) [rhq-cassandra-schema-4.13.1.jar:4.13.1]

        ... 50 more


Any idea what I need to do to correct this?





