Hi guys,


I have multiple questions which I’ve put in bold, but primarily I need to know what am I missing to have my rhq agent find the resources running on my windows server 2008r2 system.


I’m trying to set up a local RHQ monitoring server on a self-contained test bed for my web server. The server hosts:

-          3 instances of Apache Tomcat 7.x

-          1 instance of JBoss EAP 6.1

-          1 instance of AWS

-          1 instance of PostgreSQL


I kept the JBoss service turned off to avoid port issues with RHQ-server (it would appear it has a hardcoded check for port 9999 use on install?)


After unzipping the rhq bundle and also the jboss native bundle for a properly working service (I assume this works since it works for base jboss? Or do I have to move to JSW?), I installed the RHQ server (java 1.7.25 and postgres 9.2.x backing), storage, and agent. I installed with the flag that does not allow auto-start of the agent so I could configure the first run. Here is the console output from the initial agent run:


C:\rhq-agent\bin>rhq-agent.bat -L -u
RHQ 4.9.0 [bb4fa70] (Tue Sep 10 16:05:44 EDT 2013)
Answer the following questions to setup this RHQ Agent instance.
- After each prompt, a default value will appear in square brackets.
  If you press the ENTER key without providing any value,
  the new preference value will be set to that default value.
- If you wish to rely on the system internal default value and
  not define any preference value, enter '!*'.
- If you wish to stop before finishing all the questions but still
  retain those preferences you already set, enter '!+'.
- If you wish to cancel before finishing all the questions and revert
  all preferences back to their original values, enter '!-'.
- If you need help for a particular preference, enter '!?'.

Agent Name [EA-APP.dhcp.saic.com] : EA-APP
Agent Hostname or IP Address [!*] :
Agent Port [16163] :
RHQ Server Hostname or IP Address [] :
RHQ Server Port [7080] :
The setup has been completed for the preferences at node [/rhq-agent/default].



After all of that, I ran the command line ‘discovery’ function. It could only find 4 resources:

-          EA-APP (windows)

-          Cron (cron)

-          RHQ Agent (RHQAgent)

-          Samba Server (Samba)



I expected to also find everything I listed above plus the JBoss server backing the RHQ server. What am I doing wrong?


