I don't think echo goes anywhere but the agent logs (I don't think it goes to the audit trail that the server saves). But the rhq-audit gets shipped up to the server as part of the audit trail of instructions that ran when the bundle was deployed on the agent. You go look at the deployment details in the GUI to see this.

Watch the demo and you'll see how you get to this audio trail - you'll see it about a quarter of the way through this demo:


Sorry if this is too much of a "newbie" question, but I can't find the answer elsewhere.  The archives are not searchable, so I scanned back the past year in case anyone else had asked - to no avail.

I am running the "provisioner" manually via "rhq-ant" and have a bundle that works properly and in-line with my expectations.  Between the "rhq-audit" statements and the "echo" ones, there is no shortage of information when my bundle runs.  However, when I deploy the same bundle from within RHQ to a remote node, I have no idea where this output goes, nor how to see it.   Can anyone help?
