I have found the clues I guess... keystore stuff should be in <agent-dir>/conf according to the java default prefs 
  <entry key="rhq.agent.client.security.keystore.file" value="/opt/rhq-agent/conf/keystore.dat"/>
  <entry key="rhq.agent.client.security.truststore.file" value="/opt/rhq-agent/conf/truststore.dat"/>

but no such entries in the current config, and the whole section is commented in the agent-configuration.xml.


2014/1/10 Attila Heidrich <attila.heidrich@gmail.com>
No error message, at least not in agent.log.

I also think it should be related to the SSL communication, like the CAs key is not in the Java/Jboss keystore. Unfortunately, I do not know, how to install it, and can not find a howto either.


2014/1/10 Thomas Segismont <tsegismo@redhat.com>
Le 10/01/2014 14:53, Attila Heidrich a écrit :
I cannot check our own https services.

The plugin shows all unsuccesfull, while https://google.co.hu works the
same way as it did with "http://google.co.hu"

Our own http services works as well.

I have looked for error messages in agent.log, but haven't find anything.


rhq-users mailing list

Hi Attila,

Any error message logged? I suspect the certificate presented by your https service is not trusted by the agent VM.

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