Fair enough, so the fix you did (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=RHQ-2403 git commit 932744b and 74c0392) resolved the "can not fetch multiple bags" issue, but I think we still have an issue when eager fetching any type of entity-related collection (xxxToMany mapping), right?

Granted, doing "for (next : List<Entity>) { next.getSomeCollection().size() }" suffers the N+1 query issue (actually, 'm*N+1' where 'm' is the number of collections being fetched), but at least it would return the correct results (1 row with all collections properly fetched, instead of the 48 mazz is seeing).

In the future, I think we could implement a more sophisticated mechanism that removes the performance penalty:

entity ObjectA { @OneToMany Set<ObjectB> myObjectBs; }
entity ObjectB { @ManyToOne ObjectA theObjectA; }

List<ObjectA> resultObjects = criteriaBasedFetch(ObjectA.class, ...);
List<Integer> resultPKs = getPrimaryKeys(resultObjects);
List<ObjectB> relatedObjects = criteriaBasedFetch(ObjectB.class, "theObjectA", resultPKs);
wireTogether(resultObjects, relatedObjects, "myObjectBs");

Using this bulk loading mechanism, and then reflection to wire the objects together after the query returns, the performance impact reduces to 'm + 1' (again, where 'm' is the number of collections being fetched).


On 10/26/2010 12:47 PM, John Sanda wrote:
The reason I added the isPersistentBag logic is because hibernate does 
not allow you to simultaneously fetch multiple bags. See 
http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-1413.  And 
if I recall from when I encountered this, it seemed to be the case that 
we have a number of collections that are stored as lists which results 
in the bag semantics where we should be using sets.

- John

On 10/26/10 12:05 PM, Joseph Marques wrote:
   OK, I think the root is this issue is that we're not generating the
appropriate SQL.  We know that if we're left fetch joining to objects
whose entity relationship is xxxToOne, then the join is safe because
we'll get the same number of rows with the join than without.  However,
for xxxToMany relationships, the idea was that we would:

1) get the List<Entity>  back
2) iterate over the list and eager fetch data while the xaction was
still open -- for (next : List<Entity>) { next.getSomeCollection().size() }

You can see this logic in the CriteriaQueryGenerator:

              for (String fetchJoin : getFetchFields(criteria)) {
                  if (isPersistentBag(fetchJoin)) {
                  } else {
                      results.append("LEFT JOIN FETCH");

So, it appears that sticking to the strict definition of isPersistentBag
is not sufficient here, because there are still other cases that can
return duplicates that aren't persistent bags.  I would say that
changing the if-condition check to look for either the OneToMany or
ManyToMany annotation on the fetched relationship would be a good
catch-all, but I'm pretty sure there was a reason we used
isPersistentBag in the first place.  Looking at SCM history, it shows
that jsanda was responsible for this - I'm going to ping him, to see
what he can add to this thread.

On 10/26/2010 11:46 AM, John Mazzitelli wrote:
I just noticed that if I add


on my JPA queries, I get 1 row back always (which is good). Using
Hibernate API, that still doesn't work, but I think this talks about
that issue:


On 10/26/2010 11:16 AM, Joseph Marques wrote:
     On 10/26/2010 10:07 AM, John Mazzitelli wrote:
Just did your quick tests - its interesting. The first query (the
original with all the joins) returned 48 rows as I said.
48 is the cross of the related rows your fetching: 1 x 16 x 1 x 3
If I just do a
single LEFT JOIN FETCH it depends what I'm fetching that determines the
rows it returns:

If I join resourceConfigurationDefinition, I get 1 row (good)
Yup, one resource configuration definition for every type in the system.
If I join metricDefinitions, I get 16 rows (bad)
There are 16 metrics for the Linux platform type.
If I join evenDefinition, I get 1 row (good)
There is, by convention, either zero or one event definition for a type.
If I join operationDefinitions, I get 3 rows (bad)
The Linux platform type has 3 operations: discovery, viewProcessList,
Here's the 5 queries I tested with:

sqlStrings[0] = "SELECT resourcetype " + //
        "FROM ResourceType resourcetype " + //
        "LEFT JOIN FETCH resourcetype.resourceConfigurationDefinition " + //
        "LEFT JOIN FETCH resourcetype.metricDefinitions " + //
        "LEFT JOIN FETCH resourcetype.eventDefinitions " + //
        "LEFT JOIN FETCH resourcetype.operationDefinitions " + //
        "WHERE ( resourcetype.id in ( :ids ) ) ";

sqlStrings[1] = "SELECT resourcetype " + //
        "FROM ResourceType resourcetype " + //
        "LEFT JOIN FETCH resourcetype.resourceConfigurationDefinition " + //
        "WHERE ( resourcetype.id in ( :ids ) ) ";

sqlStrings[2] = "SELECT resourcetype " + //
        "FROM ResourceType resourcetype " + //
        "LEFT JOIN FETCH resourcetype.metricDefinitions " + //
        "WHERE ( resourcetype.id in ( :ids ) ) ";

sqlStrings[3] = "SELECT resourcetype " + //
        "FROM ResourceType resourcetype " + //
        "LEFT JOIN FETCH resourcetype.eventDefinitions " + //
        "WHERE ( resourcetype.id in ( :ids ) ) ";

sqlStrings[4] = "SELECT resourcetype " + //
        "FROM ResourceType resourcetype " + //
        "LEFT JOIN FETCH resourcetype.operationDefinitions " + //
        "WHERE ( resourcetype.id in ( :ids ) ) ";

On 10/25/2010 03:09 PM, Joseph Marques wrote:
       Yes, I've seen Hibernate do this from time to time when left join

Do a little investigation for me - how many rows do you get back if you
only fetch eventDefinitions versus if you only fetch
operationDefinitions or resourceConfigurationDefinitions?  Also, what is
the generated SQL for the query (if there is a join to a collection
[xxxToMany mapping] anywhere, that would account for the duplicate rows
of the projected data.)

On 10/23/2010 03:08 PM, John Mazzitelli wrote:
I don't get it. I run this code, and each System.out.println shows me
that the results have 48 rows - but each query should only produce 1 row.

Note: if I go to admin/test/hibernate.jsp, and try this JPQL string, it
actually only produces 1 row (the correct results!). I don't know what
its doing differently, but here's the code that I tested with - there
are actually 4 different ways I try it (two using JPA API, two using
Hibernate API - for each I try using a collection of 1 ID integer, and I
try using a single parameter value of Integer type).

String sqlString = "SELECT resourcetype " + //
           "FROM ResourceType resourcetype " + //
           "LEFT JOIN FETCH resourcetype.resourceConfigurationDefinition " + //
           "LEFT JOIN FETCH resourcetype.metricDefinitions " + //
           "LEFT JOIN FETCH resourcetype.eventDefinitions " + //
           "LEFT JOIN FETCH resourcetype.operationDefinitions " + //
           "WHERE ( resourcetype.id in ( :ids ) ) ";

ArrayList<Integer>       idList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
idList.add(new Integer(10014));

Query q;
List<?>       results;

// JPA - parameter is an ArrayList of 1 ID
q = entityManager.createQuery(sqlString);
q.setParameter("ids", idList);
results = q.getResultList();
System.out.println("1~~~~~~~~~size=" + results.size());

// JPA - parameter is a single Integer value
q = entityManager.createQuery(sqlString);
q.setParameter("ids", new Integer(10014));
results = q.getResultList();
System.out.println("2~~~~~~~~~size=" + results.size());

Session session;
org.hibernate.Query hq;
session = (Session) entityManager.getDelegate();

// Hibernate - parameter is an ArrayList of 1 ID
hq = session.createQuery(sqlString);
hq.setParameterList("ids", idList);
results = hq.list();
System.out.println("3~~~~~~~~~size=" + results.size());

// Hibernate - parameter is a single Integer value
hq = session.createQuery(sqlString);
hq.setParameter("ids", new Integer(10014));
results = hq.list();
System.out.println("4~~~~~~~~~size=" + results.size());
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