Actually to be even clearer, I'd call it Edit Mode.

On 05/07/2012 05:18 PM, Ian Springer wrote:

Looking good.

What you really have now is two modes that you can switch back and forth between, so I think it might be clearer if you just call it mode in the GUI and clearly indicate what the current mode is.

e.g.: a mode radio button or pulldown menu:

Current Mode: [*] single-record   [   ] batch

Then when the user first goes to the page, they can see that they are currently in single-record mode and that they can switch to batch mode by toggling the radio button.


On 05/07/2012 03:04 PM, mike thompson wrote:
Here is a link to the In-place/Batch editing sample to demonstrate the interaction model of the two modes:

Just wanted to gather some feedback around this before spending time trying to automate the in-place/batch editing model to automatically switch to batch editing mode when you select multiple rows. Note: this automatic switching is not supported out of the box as the grid supports either batch mode or in-place; but not both at the same time. Some bit chicanery would be required to make this happen.

-- Mike

On May 4, 2012, at 1:27 PM, Alan Santos wrote:

I don't know that it needs to wait until one can switch to bulk edits automatically.  Perhaps focusing on this particular table (or other templates) should wait, other tables may be better suited for individual in-place edits.

The fact is our tables suffer from poor or false affinity and (in some cases) awkward workflow.  Let's figure out how to improve those areas before we throw a general fix out the door.

On May 4, 2012, at 4:18 PM, Larry O'Leary wrote:

Agreed. The bulk edit is what most users utilize in my experience. I
would say that in-place editing will just have to wait until the
in-place mode supports the ability to automatically switch to bulk based
on multi-row selection. For example, select a row, the in-place editor
is available. Select two or more rows, the editor switches to bulk mode
-- which appears identical to in-place mode -- except that when I select
the edit field or check-box the action results in the same result for
all selected rows... enter the number 10... and 10 shows up in the edit
field for all selected row... check the enabled check-box and I see the
check appear in all selected rows... etc.

On Fri, 2012-05-04 at 15:50 -0400, Jay Shaughnessy wrote:
Then actually, I think abandoning in-place editing for this view may
make sense.  Bulk edit is a necessary use case and the benefit gained
from in-place edit of one row seems negligible to me.  Two ways of doing
things seems more confusing than the original approach.  In place edits
may still prove useful in other places.

On 5/4/2012 1:40 PM, mike thompson wrote:
Unfortunately, from an implementation perspective, the two step model would be needed. The grid, when in in-place editing mode only allows single row selections (which makes sense you are editing a single row). So we need an explicit way of switching to batch mode. The grid can't support both modes at the same time so I need to switch grid between batch and in-place editing.

On May 4, 2012, at 10:31 AM, Malini Rao wrote:

The user is not obligated to click the Batch Edit button first. If they are used to Ctrl+click, then the moment they click on the second row, the batch action panel opens up automatically and the checkboxes for multi-selection become available with the 2 selected rows already checked. The explicit 2-step model is included so that there is no discoverability issue and there is a bucket/ panel where attributes for batch editing can be hidden and not display when not needed.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Santos"<>
To: "Malini Rao"<>
Cc: "mike thompson"<>, "Harlan Douglas"<>, "Charles Crouch"<>
Sent: Friday, May 4, 2012 1:24:04 PM
Subject: Re: Resource Metric Collection Schedules with in-place editing

Why the additional step to explicitly enter batch mode?  Can't we infer the intent to batch edits when a user selects multiple rows?

On May 4, 2012, at 1:20 PM, Malini Rao wrote:


Here is my proposal for the batch editing model. The mockup is a looping animated gif... I thought it will serve best to 'demo' the interaction here but since it keeps looping, you may have to wait to get to the starting point. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


From: "Malini Rao"<>
To: "mike thompson"<>
Cc: "Harlan Douglas"<>, "Alan Santos"<>, "Charles Crouch"<>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 4:43:48 PM
Subject: Re: Resource Metric Collection Schedules with in-place editing


I don't want you to think I have been ignoring you. I have worked on a possible solution for the batch action in addition to inline editing but I want to get on the same page with the other UX folks since this could be a pattern we use across the board. So, please bear with me on the batching editing part.

Besides that, I think it looks great. I do have some feedback for you though -

1. I think we should not multi-purpose the +/- widget from the tree lists to serve as an icon for disabled. I think it will be perfectly fine to display the checked icon for only the rows that are enabled.
2. Reduce the space between the time spinner and the minutes/ time unit drop down.
3. With regard to step values for the spinner, I almost always see the step value to be 1. If they want to type something else without using the spinner, they should be able to do so.

I would like to see a quick demo of how this is working so I can provide any additional feedback on the interaction. Please feel free to schedule some time at your convenience.



From: "mike thompson"<>
To: "Malini Rao"<>, "Harlan Douglas"<>, "Alan Santos"<>, "Charles Crouch"<>
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 1:12:41 PM
Subject: Resource Metric Collection Schedules with in-place editing

Here is the new and improved resource metric collection schedules with Malinis' recommendations.

The old screen is here for reference:

The original screen doesn't look much different until you click on the grid and enable the cell editing. The buttons at the bottom of the screen have been removed.

Once you click on a row, you can edit the grid cell by either enabling/disabling or changing the collection interval.

I have set the step values on the collection interval spinner to:

seconds: 5
minutes: 5
hours: 1

Meaning if you hit the spinners when in minutes it will jump by 5 minutes (not 1 minute). Are these appropriate defaults? Or should they all just be 1?

One other piece of functionality that went away is being able to select multiple rows and applying an operation to the multiple rows. I assume that since it is quicker set this stuff now that it won't be an issue and metrics are probably managed at a group or autogroup level for any kind of builk settings.

Larry O'Leary

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Ian Springer
Principal Software Developer
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Ian Springer
Principal Software Developer
JBoss Operations Network
Red Hat