Either Pidgin or #rhq is acting weird for me today, so I'm not sure if the below made it into the room...

(12:04:06 PM) ip1: mazz, pilhuhn - just read the defaultValue discussion above
(12:04:57 PM) ip1: iirc, the original intent of defaultValue was a way to specify what default value the managed resource would use for an optional prop that was unset/null
(12:05:58 PM) ip1: the thinking was that the config editor gui could display it somewhere (eg - a new Default column)
(12:07:10 PM) ip1: but that never got implemented. instead, we decided to just state what the default value for an optional prop within the prop's description
(12:08:39 PM) ip1: the nice part of instead making it a first class attribute would be that then the plugin descriptor parser could complain if no defaultValue was specified for a required="false" prop
(12:08:59 PM) ip1: to encourage (or force) plugin devs to specify it
(12:11:11 PM) ip1: but the complication is that a given prop's default could be different across managed resource versions (e.g. different default for ds max connections prop for jboss 4.0 and jboss 4.2)
(12:12:09 PM) ip1: using the description as we currently do, you could just state that in the description