On 08/02/2011 05:35 PM, Ondřej Žižka wrote:
Speaking of that, I'd also welcome if the criteria would allow to search for any InventoryState (or what's the name) - I mean,
InventoryState.ALL would act like InventoryState.NEW + ...COMMITTED + UNINVENTORIZED - is that possible?
And also, it would be the default value. Currently it seems to be be InventoryState.NEW after creating new Criteria().

Are you talking about ResourceCriteria? If so, I think you could do:


to not filter by status at all.

There's  currently no way to filter by more than one, though it could be added if you have a good use case for it.

By default it filters status by COMMITTED.

Also, the names could be "setNameFilter()" and such instead of "addNameFilter()". But I guess that won't change for back compat reasons.

Yeah, that's not going to change at this point. I suspect there was some technical reason for the decision to use add*.


Ian Springer píše v Út 02. 08. 2011 v 11:03 -0400:
It might be useful, especially for CLI purposes, if we added a 
fetchAll() method to our criteria objects.

On 08/02/2011 08:59 AM, Jay Shaughnessy wrote:
> Yes, we supply Criteria fetch for most everything now. But for
> performance we don't fetch any data with 'lazy fetch' semantics, unless
> specifically asked for with a fetchXXX(true). Note also that the
> optionally fetched object (the XXX in this example) will not provide any
> of its lazy fetched data. If you need that then you would need to make
> another Criteria call to gather the data you need.
> On 8/1/2011 8:59 PM, Ondřej Žižka wrote:
>> Got it - criteria.fetchAgent(true);
>> Ondřej Žižka píše v Út 02. 08. 2011 v 00:42 +0200:
>>> Hi,
>>> I wanted to filter discovered JBoss AS' by hostname.
>>> Using resource's name seems unreliable, so I wanted to use
>>> resource.agent.server
>>> But that's never filled:
>>> rhqadmin@stacks1.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:7080$ as.agent
>>> Agent:
>>> address:
>>> affinityGroup:
>>> agentToken:
>>> backFilled: false
>>> createdTime: 1312237924605
>>> id: 10111
>>> lastAvailabilityReport:
>>> modifiedTime: 1312237924605
>>> name:
>>> port: 0
>>> remoteEndpoint:
>>> server:
>>> status: 0
>>> statusMessages: []
>>> Is there some technical reason for that, or can it be fixed?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ondra
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Ian Springer
Principal Software Developer
JBoss Operations Network
Red Hat