While I have NOT look at the actual code I also +1 the approach.

On Jun 1, 2012 2:42 PM, "Michael Foley" <mfoley@redhat.com> wrote:
John ... I like your thought process.   Specifically ...

  • spending time to understand the root cause 
  • proposing a countermeasure that addresses the root cause ... (ie, not a band-aid fix)
  • thinking about the overall value-add 
  • understanding that features are an asset, but code is a liability ... and 

If we can do away with some non-value-added and buggy code ... then I'm +1.


From: "John Sanda" <jsanda@redhat.com>
To: rhq-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2012 7:36:47 AM
Subject: CLI built-in commands

While working on https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=824129 I spent some time thinking about the problem. I concluded that there is a bigger issue at hand than just parsing quotes incorrectly.

CLI code is JavaScript with the exception of a handful of built-in commands. So we have the majority of code that is written and executed as JavaScript, and then we have a small fixed set of commands that executes as Java. Because of this we have multiple layers of parsing code. These multiple layers of parsers have led to this bug as well as bug 813912, and others. To make things even worse, not all of these built-in commands are available in batch mode.

I want to propose that we do away with these built-in commands. The functionality provided by the built-in commands should be implemented within the framework in which users operate; in other words, the functionality should be exposed via functions and methods of objects that are available in the script bindings. In so we doing, we can eliminate most if not all of these buggy parsing layers, provide a uniform and consistent syntax, and take better advantage of the features that JavaScript has to offer (if we so choose). I do not see any value add in these built-in commands as opposed to providing the same functionality in JavaScript, whether that comes in the form of actual JavaScript code or as exposed, native Java objects.

- John

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