On Mar 27, 2012, at 6:41 PM, Charles Crouch wrote:

----- Original Message -----
I'm using RHQ 4.1 and having some trouble getting alert dampening
working properly.  I have defined a number of alerts each with
different dampening rules.  Of the three options, only the
consecutive evaluations dampening seems to work.  The last N
evaluations and time period options don't seem to work properly.  I
am using an alert of my own design,

Can you expand on what you mean by "an alert of my own design"?

I have my own AlertSender included in a server plugin.  I just meant it's one I wrote, not one of the standard RHQ alert senders/notifications.  

Have you tried the dampening options on a regular metric [absolute value > x] type alert, e.g. on a platform metric?

I tried creating an alert on a platform resource, the free memory metric, absolute threshold > 0, with a dampening of 1 every 10 minutes (see attached images).  In the image you can see that it fired 3 times in 3 minutes (collection interval of 1 minute).  This is similar to the situation I have with a different resource and metric.

so I am wondering if there is
anything that the alert must do to make those dampening options work
properly?  Is there anything other than just setting the options in
the Time Period dampening that I need to do (I want 1 every 10

Whether that is going to work is probably going to depend on how frequently your metric is being collected

I have a 1 minute metric collection schedule and the alert fires every minute unless I use the consecutive alerts dampening.

Do I need to upgrade RHQ versions?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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