RHQ Developers,

Today we merged the rhq-on-as7 branch into master.   With this change we make a big leap from having RHQ run on AS4.2.3 to AS7.1.1.Final.   Many details about this migration can be found here:


There are also important child pages discussing testing impact and further changes to installation.

To make the change as painless as possible I'd suggest the following, starting ** PRIOR TO PULLING **:
    1. Perform an mvn clean -Pdev,enterprise
    2. (Optional) Delete your current M2 repo.  I know this is painful, but this would be a good time to start fresh as many versions are changing.

If you have any issues please contact me (jshaughn) or mazz in #RHQ.

As for running the new RHQ Server, the scripts that you run have the same names as before - rhq-server.sh on UNIX/Linux and rhq-server.bat on Windows. Note that the latest code has a new installer that is GWT based, however, now if you perform a dev build, the auto-installer is preconfigured and will run for you the first time you start the server. Also note that the intention is that the GWT installer will be going away - it was a stop-gap measure until we get a new installation procedure put in place. If you do a production/release build, you will need to go to the GWT installer and finish the installation prior to being able to use the new server - the GWT installer is at http://localhost:8080/rhq-gwt-installer once you have the server running for the first time.

Jay and Mazz