On Dec 3, 2012, at 4:22 AM, Lukas Krejci <lkrejci@redhat.com> wrote:

Actually, thinking about this, I think this type of line chart gives us a nice
way of dealing with the "level of detail" discussion we had some time ago. The
more in detail you look at such graph, the more blocky it is going to look.
This way you clearly see that the data collection is not continuos yet you
don't sacrifice the superior readability that the line charts have over the
barcharts (when it comes to min, avg, max in a single graph).

I did like the concept of adding additional layers of information into a
single graph as Harlan showcased, but I think we need to strive for the
maximum readability of the graphs, which, I must agree with Thomas, the
barchart with whiskers doesn't offer - the graph is imho overly crowded and
doesn't easily convey any trending information hidden in the data.


Yes, the simplicity and and accuracy of this type of line chart does make sense. I do like this better than the standard line chart where values are interpolated and may give somewhat of a false sense of trend (especially with spiking data).

It feels like there are two camps forming on charting:
1) simple interval(blocky) line charts (non-continuous) that show trending data
2) sophisticated bar/whiskers charts that show discrete intervals of data

We are working on a toggle between the two chart types to get simple/advanced charts.

Harlan & Catherine, can you create a mock-up of this interval line chart (perhaps modernizing it a bit)?

Then I'll incorporate that into the code.

-- Mike

On Monday, December 03, 2012 12:03:43 Thomas Segismont wrote:
Hi all,

Following the hangout.

At the risk of looking simple minded, I find the whiskers and whiskers
and bars graphs a little complicated :)

I may not already fully understand our users need but I find simple line
graphs eloquent enough as a default.

I understand the concern of not giving the feeling to our users that we
take "continuous" measures. In the past I have used drraw (a popular
front end for RRDtool) and this is how line shapes look like in this tool:


I don't know if this type of shape is possible with d3js.

Just wanted to share my opinion.


Note: University of Florida has is drraw instance open if you want to
see other graphs http://open-systems.ufl.edu/static/rrd/drraw.cgi

Le 01/12/2012 23:59, mike thompson a écrit :
For those interested in metric chart type discussion between development
and UXD, I have recorded the G+ hangout.


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