Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 77ef3de1e29f3e908dd5a325f37ae95c1e89968c…
Author: Libor Zoubek <lzoubek(a)>
Date: 2015-06-08 (Mon, 08 Jun 2015)
Changed paths:
M modules/plugins/jboss-as-7/src/main/java/org/rhq/modules/plugins/jbossas7/
M modules/plugins/jboss-as-7/src/main/java/org/rhq/modules/plugins/jbossas7/
A modules/plugins/jboss-as-7/src/main/java/org/rhq/modules/plugins/jbossas7/json/
Log Message:
Bug 1220277 - Correctly handle unsufficient permission errors
This fixed BaseServerComponent only - so we display correct resource error,
when insufficient permissions are detected. In all other cases (create
child, operations) it should be obvious from EAP's response which appears on
top of stacktrace. This commit also fixes an issue when there are invalid
user/pass set in pluginConfiguration resource error was not reported
(because InvalidPluginConfigurationException thrown by AS7Connection.execute
was swallowed by getAvailability() code.
Commit: 0a2e0cf52eebf007204e741161ed147e7e0a6887…
Author: Libor Zoubek <lzoubek(a)>
Date: 2015-06-08 (Mon, 08 Jun 2015)
Changed paths:
M modules/plugins/jboss-as-7/src/main/java/org/rhq/modules/plugins/jbossas7/
M modules/plugins/jboss-as-7/src/main/java/org/rhq/modules/plugins/jbossas7/
A modules/plugins/jboss-as-7/src/main/java/org/rhq/modules/plugins/jbossas7/json/
Log Message:
Merge pull request #173 from lzoubek/bugs/1220277
Bug 1220277 - Correctly handle unsufficient permission errors
Branch: refs/heads/bugs/1220277
Commit: 77ef3de1e29f3e908dd5a325f37ae95c1e89968c…
Author: Libor Zoubek <lzoubek(a)>
Date: 2015-06-08 (Mon, 08 Jun 2015)
Changed paths:
M modules/plugins/jboss-as-7/src/main/java/org/rhq/modules/plugins/jbossas7/
M modules/plugins/jboss-as-7/src/main/java/org/rhq/modules/plugins/jbossas7/
A modules/plugins/jboss-as-7/src/main/java/org/rhq/modules/plugins/jbossas7/json/
Log Message:
Bug 1220277 - Correctly handle unsufficient permission errors
This fixed BaseServerComponent only - so we display correct resource error,
when insufficient permissions are detected. In all other cases (create
child, operations) it should be obvious from EAP's response which appears on
top of stacktrace. This commit also fixes an issue when there are invalid
user/pass set in pluginConfiguration resource error was not reported
(because InvalidPluginConfigurationException thrown by AS7Connection.execute
was swallowed by getAvailability() code.
Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 1156a523840cbb191e8308d5f5a4ed45c50fe423…
Author: Libor Zoubek <lzoubek(a)>
Date: 2015-06-05 (Fri, 05 Jun 2015)
Changed paths:
M modules/enterprise/server/jar/src/main/java/org/rhq/enterprise/server/operation/
M modules/enterprise/server/jar/src/main/java/org/rhq/enterprise/server/operation/
M modules/enterprise/server/jar/src/main/java/org/rhq/enterprise/server/operation/
Log Message:
Bug 1173164 - Globally uncaught Exception shown in the JBoss ON UI when
trying to display orphaned operation schedule
Fixed by removing operation schedules (and unscheduling it) when the user
does not exist anymore. This removal does not happen at the time when user
is deleted, it happens when either - user want's to see such schedule (which
refers to missing user) or when scheduled job is about to run (in this case
it is canceled).
Commit: 7e39c9be497dd83bb67cd6e00e13f5fc6f042811…
Author: Libor Zoubek <lzoubek(a)>
Date: 2015-06-08 (Mon, 08 Jun 2015)
Changed paths:
M modules/enterprise/server/jar/src/main/java/org/rhq/enterprise/server/operation/
M modules/enterprise/server/jar/src/main/java/org/rhq/enterprise/server/operation/
M modules/enterprise/server/jar/src/main/java/org/rhq/enterprise/server/operation/
Log Message:
Merge pull request #175 from lzoubek/bugs/1173164
Bug 1173164 - Globally uncaught Exception shown in the JBoss ON UI when
Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: c12ffa000cec199ea8ce288d8afefd0f8e57449a…
Author: Libor Zoubek <lzoubek(a)>
Date: 2015-06-08 (Mon, 08 Jun 2015)
Changed paths:
M modules/enterprise/gui/coregui/src/main/java/org/rhq/coregui/client/inventory/groups/detail/monitoring/table/
Log Message:
The group graph in JON ignores the units of the metrics (if they are
different) and presents all metrics as they were the same unit
Fix determination of adjustedUnits (it's unit which fits the highest value
in graph), then use this unit to scale all values.
Commit: 4d41f1863a760a17f5c98dd586224ade56d0c237…
Author: Libor Zoubek <lzoubek(a)>
Date: 2015-06-08 (Mon, 08 Jun 2015)
Changed paths:
M modules/enterprise/gui/coregui/src/main/java/org/rhq/coregui/client/inventory/groups/detail/monitoring/table/
Log Message:
The group graph in JON ignores the units of the metrics (if they are
different) and presents all metrics as they were the same unit
Fix graph margins, so yAxis is fully visible even if displaying huge numbers
Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 24bd7c37e5a6495025c556779a800566ebda2008…
Author: Libor Zoubek <lzoubek(a)>
Date: 2015-06-05 (Fri, 05 Jun 2015)
Changed paths:
M modules/core/util/src/main/java/org/rhq/core/util/exec/
Log Message:
Bug 1212933 - Resource start operation leads to broken managed server
Close output and input streams in case of Error, not just Exception is
Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 4c3f7829e1d9ce8fc745f8e8d468f44589798e3e…
Author: Libor Zoubek <lzoubek(a)>
Date: 2015-06-05 (Fri, 05 Jun 2015)
Changed paths:
M modules/plugins/jboss-as-7/src/main/java/org/rhq/modules/plugins/jbossas7/
Log Message:
Bug 1173479 - 4.13: Native Management Port/Host does not take into ac
One more commit to prevent resource upgrade when did not detect any change
in native host/port settings.