
Chris Smart <chris@kororaa.org> wrote on Wed, 28 Mar 2012 22:38:33 +1100:
On 28/03/12 06:36, valent.turkovic@gmail.com wrote:
It looks like I'll have to do it that way, I found no other way to do it.

That's what I do.

Do you have any tips for rapidly creating rpm packages? For me it was
to much work for each single change in any file that is part of rpm
file doing the whole dance - updating minor version in .spec file,
adding text on what changed, repackaging it...

Not really, I just use git and mock. I guess that's the price you pay
for doing it the right way. I don't think that you're forced to put in a
comment if you do a minor build update, i.e. 1%{?dist}.1 (as opposed to
Just a small tip: you can use rpmdev-bumpspec to update .spec files release number and adding a new comment to its %changelog section. You probably can create a small script file to do more automated work.


Are you using any automating tools to do your packages?

Is there Koji for Fedora remixers?
Not yet that I know of - Rahul and I discussed the idea some time back
but nothing has come of it AFAIK. Would take some hefty community
resources/sponsorship. You might be able to use openSUSE's build service
