#5914: Move fedmsg based blocking service to Fedora Infrastructure -----------------------------+------------------------ Reporter: till | Owner: rel-eng@… Type: task | Status: new Milestone: Fedora 21 Final | Component: koji Keywords: meeting | Blocked By: Blocking: | -----------------------------+------------------------ Move till's script to block retired packages in kojo to Fedora's infrastructure
#5914: Move fedmsg based blocking service to Fedora Infrastructure ------------------------------+----------------------- Reporter: till | Owner: rel-eng@… Type: task | Status: new Milestone: Fedora 21 Final | Component: other Resolution: | Keywords: meeting Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+----------------------- Changes (by till):
* component: koji => other
#5914: Move fedmsg based blocking service to Fedora Infrastructure ------------------------------+----------------------- Reporter: till | Owner: rel-eng@… Type: task | Status: new Milestone: Fedora 21 Final | Component: other Resolution: | Keywords: meeting Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by till):
TODO: - cleanup script and make it a service - deploy it on releng04 - decide which koji key to use to access koji (masher key or generate new one)
#5914: Move fedmsg based blocking service to Fedora Infrastructure ------------------------------+----------------------- Reporter: till | Owner: rel-eng@… Type: task | Status: new Milestone: Fedora 21 Final | Component: other Resolution: | Keywords: meeting Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by till):
Today it was decided to add the script to the repo and run it from buildbranched and buildrawhide. The script is "block_retired.py" and it as added to the scripts now.
TODO: - Update buildbranched/buildrawhide on the compose boxes and verify the changes are good
#5914: Move fedmsg based blocking service to Fedora Infrastructure ------------------------------+----------------------- Reporter: till | Owner: rel-eng@… Type: task | Status: closed Milestone: Fedora 21 Final | Component: other Resolution: fixed | Keywords: meeting Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+----------------------- Changes (by till):
* resolution: => fixed * status: new => closed
buildbranched/buildrawhide are now updated.