====================================== #fedora-meeting-1: RELENG (2014-09-08) ======================================
Meeting started by dgilmore at 15:41:03 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2014-09-08/releng.2014-09-... .
Meeting summary - --------------- * init process (dgilmore, 15:42:52)
* #1107 auto-cleanup rawhide trees (dgilmore, 15:44:11) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/1107 (dgilmore, 15:44:20) * < dgilmore> this needs a script written that will keep the last 14 trees (tyll, 15:44:56) * < dgilmore> we could run it via cron or buildbranched/buildrawhide (tyll, 15:45:32) * < dgilmore> though updates trees need cleaned up also as bodhi just leaves them there (tyll, 15:45:48) * affected paths /mnt/koji/mash and /mnt/koji/mash/updates (tyll, 15:48:13) * ACTION: masta I'll take the cleanup task. (tyll, 15:51:04)
* #1501 repomd.xml signing in bodhi (dgilmore, 15:51:08) * < dgilmore> I would be more willing to revisit with concrete proposal (tyll, 15:54:14) * dgilmore> tyll: autosigner box is sperate with more limited access than the releng boxes (tyll, 15:54:23) * releng04 and relepel01 used to prepare updates (tyll, 15:56:27) * ACTION: someone come up witha concrete implementation plan and we can revisit (dgilmore, 16:00:15)
* #5931 [Proposal] Move new branch and unretire requests to pkgdb2 (dgilmore, 16:00:23) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5931 (dgilmore, 16:00:31) * LINK: http://paste.fedoraproject.org/131843/41019240 (tyll, 16:07:43) * < pingou> - Do we really want to populate the branch when we create them? (tyll, 16:14:05) * < pingou> the second question I have is: for new *fedora* branch, what do we need to check beside that the requester is a packager? (tyll, 16:14:40) * < pingou> we "just" need to define what we want to fully automate and what we still want to check "manually" (tyll, 16:14:59) * < pingou> I've started working on a pkgdb-admin CLI part of pkgdb-cli https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/packagedb-cli.git/tree/pkgdb2client/admin.... (tyll, 16:15:26) * for new branches, check whether the person is a packager and has commit ACLs for at least on Fedora branch (tyll, 16:16:16)
* #5967 Enable source repo generation (dgilmore, 16:16:18) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5967 (dgilmore, 16:16:26) * < dgilmore> this comes at a massive cost (tyll, 16:17:29) * < dgilmore> it will be next to impoosible to turn off if we enable it (tyll, 16:19:10) * ACTION: dgilmore ask for some more info in the ticket (tyll, 16:20:10) * < dgilmore> I really do not understand what the perceived gain is either (tyll, 16:20:27) * < nirik> in any case I wouldn't want to do it in freeze. (tyll, 16:20:36)
* #5959 Enable keep-alive connections for koji (primary and secondaries) (dgilmore, 16:23:34) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5959 (dgilmore, 16:23:40) * ACTION: pbrobinson to enable and do testing to make sure nothing breaks (dgilmore, 16:29:15)
Meeting ended at 16:33:10 UTC.
Action Items - ------------ * masta I'll take the cleanup task. * someone come up witha concrete implementation plan and we can revisit * dgilmore ask for some more info in the ticket * pbrobinson to enable and do testing to make sure nothing breaks
Action Items, by person - ----------------------- * dgilmore * dgilmore ask for some more info in the ticket * masta * masta I'll take the cleanup task. * pbrobinson * pbrobinson to enable and do testing to make sure nothing breaks * **UNASSIGNED** * someone come up witha concrete implementation plan and we can revisit
People Present (lines said) - --------------------------- * dgilmore (79) * tyll (44) * pingou (24) * nirik (22) * masta (8) * bochecha (6) * zodbot (4) * pbrobinson (2) * sharkcz (2)
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