#fedora-meeting-2: RELENG (2017-09-28)

Meeting started by mboddu at 17:06:48 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* init process  (mboddu, 17:06:48)

* #7061 dist-git-pagure does not allow till to orphan pkgs or give a
  package to someone else  (mboddu, 17:13:32)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/releng/issue/7061   (mboddu, 17:13:40)
  * LINK: https://src.fedoraproject.org/group/cvsadmin   (puiterwijk,
  * puiterwijk fixed the issue by inserting on the database since the
    group creation code is disabled  (mboddu, 17:28:48)

* #7073 python2-openmpi.i686 and python3-openmpi.i686 missing from f26
  x86_64 repo  (mboddu, 17:30:33)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/releng/issue/7073   (mboddu, 17:30:40)
  * Multilib issue emails are sent on whats available in fedora+updates
    repo, so the multilib lands in the repos the same time the update
    that drags it in lands in those repos, until then people will get
    these emails. And this issue can be better tracked at
    https://pagure.io/taskotron/task-rpmdeplint  (mboddu, 17:45:10)

* Alternative Architectures updates  (mboddu, 17:46:10)
  * puiterwijk is planning to fix the s390x issue tonight  (puiterwijk,

* Open Floor  (mboddu, 17:52:56)
  * We just got a GO for the f27 beta for RC 5  (mboddu, 17:53:34)

Meeting ended at 17:59:14 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* puiterwijk (78)
* mboddu (76)
* nirik (17)
* zodbot (11)
* kparal (9)
* masta (1)
* Kellin (1)
* tyll (0)
* pbrobinson (0)
* pingou (0)
* dgilmore (0)
* maxamillion (0)
* sharkcz (0)

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