walters opened a new pull-request against the project: `pungi-fedora` that you are following:
atomichost: Bump ISO internal size to 4GB
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I'd meant to raise this question last week but it turned out several
folks were out of pocket who'd probably want to discuss. One of the
aspects of continuous integration[1] that impacts my team is the
storage requirement. How much storage is required for keeping test
results, composed trees and ostrees, and other artifacts? What is
their retention policy?
A policy of "keep everything ever made, forever" clearly isn't
scalable. We don't do that in the non-CI realm either, e.g. with
scratch builds. I do think that we must retain everything we
officially ship, that's well understood. But atop that, anything we
keep costs storage, and over time this storage costs money. So we
need to draw some reasonable line that balances thrift and service.
A. Retention
The second question is probably a good one to start with, so we can
answer the first. So we need to answer the retention question for
some combination of:
1. candidate builds that fail a CI pipeline
2. candidate builds that pass a CI pipeline
3. CI composed testables
* a tree, ISO, AMI, other image, etc. that's a unit
* ostree change which is more like a delta (AIUI)
4. CI generated logs
5. ...other stuff I may be forgetting
My general thoughts are that these things are kept forever:
* (2), but only if that build is promoted as an update or as part of a
shipped tree/ostree/image
* (3), but only if the output is shipped to users
* (4), but only if corresponding to an item in (2) or (3)
Outside that, artifacts and logs are kept only for a reasonable amount
of troubleshooting time. Say 30 days, but I'm not too worried about
the actual time period. It could be adjusted based on factors we have
yet to encounter.
B. Storage - How much?
To get an idea of what this might look like, I think we might make
estimates based on:
* the number of builds currently happening per day
* how many of these builds are within the definition for an officially
shipped thing (like Atomic Host, Workstation, Server, etc.)
* The average size of the sources + binaries, summed out over the ways
we deliver them (SRPM + RPM, ostree binary, binary in another
image), and multiplied out by arches
* Then sum this out over the length of a Fedora release
This is the part I think will need information from the rel-eng and CI
contributors, working together. My assumption is there are gaping
holes in this concept, so don't take this as a full-on proposal.
Rather, looking for folks to help harden the concepts and fill in the
missing pieces. I don't think we need a measurement down to the
single GB; a broad estimate in 100s of GB (or even at the 1 TB order
of magnitude) is likely good enough.
I'm setting the follow-up to infrastructure(a),
since that team has the most information about our existing storage
and constraints.
Paul W. Frields
gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717 - - - -
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walters opened a new pull-request against the project: `pungi-fedora` that you are following:
fedora: Use Atomic installtree/ISO for cloud image builds
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maxamillion opened a new pull-request against the project: `releng` that you are following:
add sop for promoting container content
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lsedlar opened a new pull-request against the project: `pungi-fedora` that you are following:
Rename compose in fedora-cloud.conf
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lsedlar opened a new pull-request against the project: `pungi-fedora` that you are following:
Fix pungi call with extra argument
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lsedlar opened a new pull-request against the project: `pungi-fedora` that you are following:
Fix pungi call with extra argument
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lsedlar opened a new pull-request against the project: `pungi-fedora` that you are following:
Fix pungi call with extra argument
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