= Highlights =

* Participated in interviewing candidates to replace Petr
* Deployed Vault on dev
  * there still are some quirks with OIDC login, that I need to iron out, but the overall concept seems good for the usecase
* Modified libtaskotron to allow grabbing secrets from the Vault <https://pagure.io/taskotron/libtaskotron/c/4f3d0d0b3be6f065cb5a578070220fa5f4a212f5?branch=develop>
* Fixed buidmaster-configure steps to enable proper support for launching tasks from a non-mirrored repo (aka the "discover feature"0
* Deployed a task that builds docker images (resultsdb at the moment) in dev <https://pagure.io/taskotron/task-dockerbuild>
  * The trigger seems to ignore the fedmessages, but when triggered via jobrunner, for a specific fedmesage, the whole process works fine
    * <https://taskotron-dev.fedoraproject.org/resultsdb/results/20658684>
    * <https://hub.docker.com/r/fedoraqa/resultsdb/tags/>