================================= #fedora-meeting-1: fedoraqa-devel =================================
Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2015-08-31/fedoraqa-devel.... Minutes (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2015-08-31/fedoraqa-devel.... Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2015-08-31/fedoraqa-devel....
Meeting summary --------------- * roll call (tflink_, 14:01:52)
* status updates (tflink, 14:04:55) * got taskotron mostly working with bodhi2 - tflink/kparal (tflink, 14:05:21) * disposable clients are working well enough to use for dev work (tflink, 14:05:21) * Added test coverage for weak dependencies to depcheck, all tests pass - handsome_pirate (tflink, 14:05:21) * switch from TAP to YAML for inter-directive communication and results representation in libtaskotron. Early WIP of the result-yaml format: https://bitbucket.org/fedoraqa/resultyaml - tflink, jskladan (tflink, 14:05:21) * OpenQA - added updates.img via local media test - jsedlak (tflink, 14:05:21)
* Bodhi2 and Fedmsg emission (tflink, 14:10:19)
* Remaining Disposable Client Work (tflink, 14:16:45)
* Tasking (tflink, 14:23:14)
* Upgrading to Fedora 22 (tflink, 14:39:43) * ACTION: tflink to sync up with docs team to make sure that we keep the buildbot roles compatible with el7 (tflink, 14:49:05)
* Open Floor (tflink, 14:51:51)
* new taskotron logo (tflink, 14:54:29)
* Open Floor (tflink, 15:04:33)
Meeting ended at 15:06:12 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * tflink to sync up with docs team to make sure that we keep the buildbot roles compatible with el7
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * tflink * tflink to sync up with docs team to make sure that we keep the buildbot roles compatible with el7 * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * tflink (120) * kparal (35) * handsome_pirate (10) * nirik (9) * garretraziel (7) * lbrabec (7) * zodbot (5) * tflink_ (4) * bexelbie (2) * Corey84 (1)
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