On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 05:32:19PM -0400, Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams wrote:
Now that most of us are here, let's get started.
Thanks Ignacio
I received this email from someone wanting to get mayavi2 included in Fedora. It certainly looks like an interesting piece of software. Anyone want to try their hand at it?
I must stress that the website is a horrible mess (I am working on it right now, but there is a fair amount of work). The installation procedure may not seem clear, but please send e mail either to the mailing list ( https://mail.enthought.com/mailman/listinfo/enthought-dev ) or directly to me if you want any clarification.
As far of the packaging, mayavi2 is just the top of the iceberg of a set of tools to develop scientific applications using Python (the ETS). This set of tools is broken in many different Python modules, but there are a fair amount, and when packaging for Debian we decided to group the fonctionnalities. The relevant Debian packages are python-enthought-traits, python-enthought-traits-ui mayavi2 and python-enthought-chaco. I don't know how easy it is for you guy to figure out what was done for Debian packaging in order to group these packages. I didn't do it myself, althought I bootstrapped the process, so I cannot help you too much. One thing I did do to bootstrap the packaging, was creating tarballs to work around the setuptools automatic downloading of dependencies (a pain for packagers). You can find these on http://code.enthought.com/downloads/source/ets2.7/ I try to keep them up to date, but it is best too avoid using them, as they have been stripped of setuptools as a runtime dependecy.
I am away for the week end (back on Sunday night). Appart from this break, I am really looking forward to building great packages for these tools on Fedora.
PS: Actually, there was a small glitch with e-mail, so I am sending this after coming back from week end.