On 18 June 2010 18:38, Robin 'cheese' Lee wrote:
Hello, all!
And the foundations and first floors of this skyscraper is Zope2 and its dependencies, which I have built up. The latest version of Zope2 is 2.12.7.
All the spec files are accessible through my git repo: http://fedorapeople.org/gitweb?p=cheeselee/public_git/rpm.git;a=tree;h=refs/...
And an yum repo (i686 and SRPM) for F-13 is also available: http://cheeselee.fedorapeople.org/yum/zope/
Steps to make a trivial test: $ wget http://cheeselee.fedorapeople.org/yum/zope-cheese.repo $ su -c "cp zope-cheese.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/" $ su -c "yum install zope" $ su -c "service zope start" $ xdg-open http://localhost:8080/
I don't remember exactly, but wasn't zope a no go in Fedora, and for this matter isn't compat-zope already in rpmfusion (because it needs compat-python24) . Or is this different ? Are you planning to put them in Fedora ?
Between may you put x86_64 builds in your repo ?