
As you might already know, we have recently conducted a Python 3.12 mass rebuild in a side tag. We plan to ask releng to merge it today, despite several builds not succeeding. We always aim for some compromise between having the side tag open for too long and having too many failures. We belive this time it was open logn enough and the remaining failures can be fixed after the merge. ~3370 out of ~4040 source packages were successfully built.


Packages which were not rebuilt will not be installable in rawhide, hence fixing them should be our top priority. If you need help with Python-related issues, we (the Python Maintenance team at Red Hat) are happy to help. (However, note that this was a very exhausting rebuild and we might take a couple days off.) Unfortunately, several packages fail to build for Python-unrelated reasons.

Many packages only fail to build because their dependencies were not yet rebuilt. Chances are, you will get an automated F39FailsToInstall bugzilla soon, indicating your package fails to install. It would be really helpful if you could find the missing dependency and mark the bugzilla for your package depending on the bugzilla for the missing dep. We plan to do that as well, but your help is crucial here.

If your package fails because there is a non-dependency problem, you might have already received a bugzilla from us in the past. If the build failure is related to changes in Python 3.12, it should contain some hints about the problem. If you haven't received a bugzilla from us yet, feel free to open a new one and block the PYTHON3.12 tracking bug.

We have verified the following comps groups are insatllable from the side tag:


(That is, all critical-path groups + some more.)

# What to do?

First, wait before the side tag merge is completed. Particularly, don't build anything until you see python3.12-3.12.0~b3-2.fc39 or newer. E.g. with: koji wait-repo f39-build --build python3.12-3.12.0~b3-2.fc39

We will reply here once the merge is done.

General advice: If you are aware of the problem and working towards fixing it, set your bugzilla to ASSIGNED to avoid further automated reminders.  If blocked by dependencies, do not close the bugzillas as NOTABUG or DUPLICATE just because it is "not a problem in your package". The automation will file new ones anyway. Use the Blocks and Depends on fields in bugzilla instead please.

## My package fails to build because it has test failures in %check

Please, try to resolve the failures. If you are confident that the package works fine, but the tests are wrong, skip some failing tests, ideally with a link to an upstream issue. Do not disable (e.g. comment out) all tests just 
to unblock the rebuild of your package, it usually only hides the problem.

## My package fails to build because it has broken build dependencies

Please try to track the missing build dependencies in Bugzilla. If possible, help the maintainers of your dependencies to get them rebuilt. When in need of escalation, ask us for provenpackager help (ideally with pull requests to be merged). Once possible, rebuild your package. When you do, the bugzilla will eventually get automatically closed, but you can do that manually as well.

## My package was rebuilt with Python 3.12 but it has broken runtime dependencies

Please try to track the missing runtime dependencies in Bugzilla. If possible, help the maintainers of your dependencies to get them rebuilt. When in need of escalation, ask us for provenpackager help (ideally with pull requests to be merged). When the dependencies are rebuilt, your package will install successfully once again and the bugzilla will eventually get automatically closed, but you can do that manually as well.

## My package failed to build but installs just fine

Some packages that only require libpython3.11.so.1.0 will successfully pull in the python3.11 package as a dependency and hence they don't have installation issues. They need to be rebuilt with Python 3.12 anyway, we don't want Fedora users to pull in two Python versions unless they need them for development purposes.

## How to run things locally?  

You can use mock. Make sure to:    
    1. Clear all caches first: $ mock -r fedora-rawhide-x86_64--scrub=all
    2. Use the Koji repo: $ mock -r fedora-rawhide-x86_64 --enablerepo=local ...  

## Where to get help

Reply to this thread or find us (thrnciar, mhroncok) on Matrix (#python:fedoraproject.org).

# Packages that failed to build

NFStest              ajmitchell steved
NiaAML-GUI           iztokf music
Zim                  cheeselee ohaessler
andriller            fab
androguard           fab
appliance-tools      ngompa
arbor                ankursinha
asv                  qulogic
aubio                nphilipp tartina
awake                fab
awscli               davdunc fale limb
awscli2              davdunc nforro
b43-tools            pwalter
beaker               martstyk
borgbackup           fschwarz
botan2               bkircher thm
brd                  jsbackus
btest                fab
cdist                fnux
classification-banner rga
conda                orion zbyszek
condor               bcotton matyas ttheisen valtri
criu                 adrian rstoyanov
cxxtest              mgieseki
dionaea              rebus
distgen              hhorak phracek pkubat praiskup zmiklank
dlrn                 jpena karolinku
dnf-plugin-diff      praiskup
dnf-plugins-extras   dmach jmracek mblaha pkratoch
dnfdragora           besser82 ngompa thunderbirdtr
dtc                  arnd bonzini jwboyer pbrobinson
electron-cash        jonny
elements             aalvarez
emacs-jedi           melmorabity
eric                 rdieter
fail2ban             atkac hobbes1069 orion tmz
fedora-gather-easyfix pingou
fedrq                gotmax23
flann                rmattes
flatpak-module-tools kalev otaylor
fonts-tweak-tool     tagoh
gfal2-python         jonathanspw mipatras
gnome-doc-utils      alexl caolanm limb rhughes rstrode
h5py                 orion stevetraylen terjeros
heat-cfntools        shardy zaneb
i2c-tools            ajax jorton jzerdik olysonek
kernel-tools         acaringi jforbes jwboyer lgoncalv patrickt pbrobinson
kicad                avigne lkundrak stevenfalco
lensfun              germano grahamwhiteuk nphilipp ohaessler rdieter trix
libffado             nphilipp
libfreenect          jkastner kathenas kwizart rmattes
libnl3               dcbw jirka thaller
libssh2-python       clalance
lilv                 nphilipp tartina
livecd-tools         bcl bruno ngompa
lvm2                 agk bmarzins bmr cfeist kzak lvm-team mauelsha mbroz mcsontos pjones prajnoha zkabelac
m2crypto             mitr ngompa
manafirewall         ngompa thunderbirdtr
monkeytype           dcavalca salimma
mrchem               jussilehtola
nordugrid-arc        ellert
nvme-stas            tbzatek
oct2spec             orion
offlineimap          cicku dodji sergesanspaille teuf
onboard              yanqiyu
opencv               hguemar hhorak jkucera jridky kwizart sergiomb
openshadinglanguage  luya music slaanesh
pam_wrapper          asn jhrozek
pcs                  cfeist idevat mlisik mpospisi omular tojeline
pdc-client           kevin lholecek lsedlar nphilipp
pdf-stapler          aarem raphgro
pew                  tadej
photoqt              eischmann
pipenv               churchyard ksurma torsava
pre-commit           atim chedi churchyard major music
py-radix             kevin
pychess              bruno dcavalca
pydeps               lbazan
pyflowtools          stingray
pyftpdlib            aekoroglu
pygsl                jamatos
pyke                 spot
pykka                fab
pyodbc               fjanus hhorak osloup
pyosmium             tomh
pyp2rpm              gordonmessmer kevin
python-GridDataFormats rathann
python-PyPDF2        aarem
python-TestSlide     dcavalca filbranden salimma
python-acora         fab
python-aiozeroconf   fab
python-alarmdecoder  fab
python-animatplot    davidsch
python-ansi          sdyroff
python-ansible-pygments chedi
python-ansible-runner radez
python-ansiwrap      fab
python-apsw          cicku dfateyev maci
python-astropy-healpix lupinix
python-astropy-helpers lupinix
python-async-generator carlwgeorge
python-asyncssh      gsauthof
python-audioread     terjeros
python-avocado       cleber merlinm
python-azure-storage-blob italomga pwouters rominf rommell szeth
python-bidict        fab
python-blowfish      limb
python-bluepy        alciregi
python-bokeh         ankursinha
python-box           dmsimard fab
python-carbon        aekoroglu piotrp
python-catkin_tools  ankursinha cottsay rmattes
python-check-manifest fab
python-click-spinner fab
python-cornice       hguemar
python-cpio          jamatos kevin
python-cram          ktdreyer
python-cro           iztokf
python-curio         carlwgeorge
python-cypari2       pcpa
python-cypy          orphan
python-daiquiri      hguemar
python-deap          zbyszek
python-diff-match-patch amigadave
python-django-allauth ngompa salimma
python-django-extensions aekoroglu ngompa
python-django3       salimma
python-dockerfile-parse cverna maxamillion ttomecek twaugh
python-dominate      fab hvad
python-drgn          dcavalca filbranden osandov salimma
python-efel          ankursinha
python-ephem         fab
python-fastbencode   opohorel
python-fiat          fab
python-firehose      athoscr dmalcolm
python-flask-babel   jonathanspw ngompa pcpa
python-flask-cors    frantisekz
python-flask-login   smani
python-flufl-bounce  abompard
python-fpylll        pcpa
python-gccinvocation dmalcolm
python-geomet        qulogic
python-google-cloud-bigquery fkolwa mhayden miyunari
python-google-cloud-dns jorti
python-google-cloud-pubsub fkolwa mhayden miyunari
python-google-cloud-storage fkolwa mhayden miyunari
python-grako         brouhaha
python-guizero       churchyard
python-hdfs          ankursinha
python-hwdata        msuchy
python-igor          zbyszek
python-immutables    carlwgeorge
python-iniparse      aekoroglu lupinix
python-invoke        jkucera
python-iowait        aekoroglu
python-ipgetter      fab
python-javaproperties mhayden
python-jep           raphgro
python-josepy        nb
python-jsonrpc-server nonamedotc
python-jsonschema-spec mattia
python-kafka         hiwkby
python-klein         ngompa
python-kmod          grover mlombard
python-kombu         fab frantisekz mrunge ngompa pingou pjp
python-lacrosse      fab
python-launchpadlib  churchyard opohorel
python-lazr-smtptest abompard
python-leveldb       survient
python-liblarch      miguel7ra
python-libsass       nonamedotc
python-linuxdoc      ankursinha
python-logging-tree  fab
python-logutils      jcaratzas kevin
python-markdown_2    aekoroglu
python-matplotlib-scalebar ankursinha
python-mechanize     mohanboddu
python-metakernel    ellert
python-metar         jdekloe
python-mirakuru      mikelo2
python-mistune08     salimma
python-modestmaps    cottsay
python-mpd2          ankursinha
python-mplcursors    qulogic
python-multi_key_dict cottsay
python-music21       zbyszek
python-mygpoclient   slankes vpv
python-nb2plots      jjames
python-ndindex       zbyszek
python-neovim        asn salimma
python-nmap          fab
python-nose_fixes    besser82
python-notario       ktdreyer
python-notebook      churchyard ksurma
python-nss           dshea
python-nudatus       churchyard
python-numpoly       lbazan
python-openstacksdk  apevec jpena
python-opentelemetry mhayden music rominf
python-optcomplete   chedi
python-orjson        gotmax23
python-oslo-log      apevec hguemar
python-pandas-datareader sergiopr
python-parsley       lbazan
python-partd         qulogic
python-pathos        ankursinha
python-pathtools     scoady
python-pendulum      fab
python-pint          lzachar mrunge
python-pivy          hobbes1069
python-pluginlib     aviso
python-pocketlint    jkonecny vtrefny
python-podman-api    orphan
python-protego       echevemaster
python-ptrace        terjeros
python-py9p          psavelye
python-pyaes         peter
python-pycodestyle   churchyard orion
python-pydiffx       jonathanspw
python-pydocstyle    tadej
python-pyfim         ankursinha
python-pylatex       ankursinha
python-pylint-venv   jonathanspw
python-pynetdicom    alciregi
python-pyopencl      frantisekz
python-pyopengl      swt2c
python-pyoptical     ignatenkobrain orphan
python-pyphi         ankursinha
python-pyrad         antorres cicku peter
python-pysaml2       apevec
python-pysb          zbyszek
python-pyside2       hobbes1069
python-pysnooper     lbalhar zbyszek
python-pyswarms      iztokf
python-pytest-metadata pschindl
python-pytest-subtests fab
python-pytest-testinfra chedi
python-pytest-venv   lbalhar
python-pytest-virtualenv kevin
python-pyvmomi       fale raphgro rcallicotte
python-pyzolib       cottsay
python-qpageview     limb
python-qstylizer     jonathanspw nonamedotc
python-qutepart      raphgro
python-rebulk        jorti
python-recordclass   dcavalca
python-robosignatory mattia
python-rope          nonamedotc
python-rpmfluff      dshea ignatenkobrain jhutar
python-rstcheck-core ankursinha
python-rust-update-set salimma
python-schedutils    jkastner
python-semver        aekoroglu mhayden raphgro
python-signedjson    aekoroglu
python-simple-salesforce italomga pwouters rominf rommell
python-simpleparse   grover mlombard
python-simplewrap    ankursinha ignatenkobrain
python-sklearn-nature-inspired-algorithms ankursinha iztokf
python-slip          nphilipp
python-smart-gardena fab
python-smbpasswd     rebus
python-sphinxygen    fed500
python-stdio-mgr     fab
python-stem          jorti
python-tables        jonathanspw zbyszek
python-tambo         ktdreyer
python-test_server   raphgro
python-testing.postgresql mmarusak msuchy
python-textdistance  nonamedotc
python-theano        ignatenkobrain jjames sergiopr
python-tokenize-rt   rominf
python-uinput        bytehackr
python-upoints       fab
python-uranium       churchyard gferon
python-uri-templates mbaldessari
python-urllib-gssapi simo
python-uvloop        aekoroglu pwouters
python-vcstools      cottsay rmattes
python-versioningit  ankursinha
python-visionegg-quest ankursinha ignatenkobrain
python-wcmatch       pnemade
python-webscrapbook  ferdnyc
python-whitenoise    jonathanspw ngompa piotrp
python-wordcloud     dcavalca
python-yamlordereddictloader greghellings
python-yappi         amoralej
python-yara          aekoroglu mikelo2 rebus
python-yourls        tflink
python-yte           music
python-ytmusicapi    thunderbirdtr
python3-cangjie      bochecha
python3-py3dns       bojan kevin
python3-saml         tchaikov
python3-script       jonathanspw
pythran              churchyard
qpid-proton          irina kpvdr
rabbitvcs            cicku limb pwalter
rmlint               orphan
roca-detect          sdgathman
shybrid              vanessakris
sudo                 alakatos kzak mattdm rsroka zfridric
sugar                aperezbios chimosky
sugar-datastore      chimosky
sugar-toolkit-gtk3   aperezbios chimosky pbrobinson
swid-tools           adelton
swift-lang           tachoknight
sword                cicku greghellings jkastner
system-storage-manager lczerner trawets
thefuck              principis
thonny               churchyard ksurma
transmageddon        kalev uraeus
unicorn              fab mikep
upm                  pbrobinson
urjtag               jkastner scottt
ustreamer            tao-j
uwsgi                ertzing
vigra                bpostle
vit                  ankursinha
volume_key           huzaifas jkucera mitr
wordxtr              pnemade
xcb-proto            ajax slaanesh
xonsh                carmenbianca
ydiff                netvor
zbar                 limb mchehab slaanesh

# Packages waiting for dependencies

APLpy                sergiopr
PyMca                zbyszek
RBTools              jonathanspw
ansible-lint         pnemade
ara                  dmsimard
audiotube            thunderbirdtr
azure-cli            mhayden
blender              design-sw ignatenkobrain kwizart luya music slaanesh
bodhi-server         abompard humaton lenkaseg
bout++               davidsch
breezy               churchyard opohorel
buildstream          atim bochecha
calibre              chkr heliocastro kevin zbyszek
calypso              rathann
caribou              jcpunk leigh123linux
certbot              nb
copr-dist-git        frostyx msuchy praiskup
cozy                 suve
cura                 churchyard gferon
cvc4                 brouhaha jjames
d-feet               kalev
datagrepper          kevin
datanommer-commands  kevin
diffoscope           zbyszek
distro-info          suraia
dnsviz               jonathanspw pemensik
dolfin               zbyszek
dxf2gcode            dwrobel
electrum             hno js
elements-alexandria  aalvarez
enki                 raphgro
espresso             jngrad junghans
etckeeper            thm
fontdump             pnemade
freecad              hobbes1069 jkastner
freecell-solver      shlomif
ginga                lupinix
git-up               ekohl
glances              aekoroglu jonathanspw
gphotoframe          mtasaka
gr-air-modes         jskarvad
gr-funcube           jskarvad
gr-hpsdr             jskarvad
gr-iqbal             jskarvad
gr-osmosdr           cottsay jskarvad
gr-rds               jskarvad sharkcz
httpie               churchyard codeblock mikelo2
ibus-cangjie         bochecha
ikiwiki              thm
imgbased             sbonazzo
ini2toml             cstratak
ipsilon              jonathanspw kevin puiterwijk simo
jrnl                 music
libsonata            ankursinha
liquidctl            suve
luxcorerender        besser82 kwizart luya slaanesh
mailman3             ngompa salimma
matrix-synapse       dcallagh v02460
micropipenv          lbalhar
mirrormanager2       adrian
module-build-service breilly mikem
mopidy               girst
mopidy-mpd           girst
morphio              ankursinha
mu                   churchyard kushal
noggin               jonathanspw ngompa
nyx                  jorti
oci-cli              mhayden
odcs                 cqi hlin lsedlar qwan
oraculum             frantisekz lbrabec
packit               jpopelka lachmanfrantisek lbarczio mfocko mmassari nforro nikromen ttomecek
paperwork            qulogic
pcp                  agerstmayr jkurik lberk nathans scox
pg_activity          mikelo2
pgcli                meeuw music
piper                whot
postfix-mta-sts-resolver duck
psi4                 jussilehtola
pyee                 pbrobinson
pygrib               jdekloe
pyproj               jdekloe
python-OBD           rathann
python-ZEO           jjames
python-ZODB3         jjames
python-actdiag       dridi
python-aiokafka      italomga pwouters rominf rommell
python-arviz         sergiopr
python-ast-monitor   iztokf
python-astroquery    lupinix
python-astroscrappy  lupinix
python-asyncpg       music
python-autopep8      aekoroglu
python-basemap       limb
python-binary-memcached amoralej
python-black         cheimes churchyard
python-blockdiag     dridi
python-bloom         cottsay rmattes
python-bluepyopt     ankursinha
python-boutdata      davidsch
python-btlewrap      fab
python-cartopy       qulogic
python-cattrs        ankursinha
python-ccdproc       lupinix
python-celery        abompard frantisekz mrunge ngompa pingou
python-certbot-apache nb
python-certbot-dns-cloudflare nb
python-certbot-dns-cloudxns nb
python-certbot-dns-digitalocean nb
python-certbot-dns-dnsimple nb
python-certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy nb
python-certbot-dns-gehirn nb
python-certbot-dns-google nb
python-certbot-dns-linode nb
python-certbot-dns-luadns nb
python-certbot-dns-nsone nb
python-certbot-dns-ovh nb
python-certbot-dns-plesk spike
python-certbot-dns-rfc2136 nb
python-certbot-dns-route53 nb
python-certbot-dns-sakuracloud nb
python-certbot-nginx jonathanspw nb
python-chaospy       lbazan
python-colorcet      music
python-configupdater ankursinha
python-convertdate   fab
python-cradox        jpena
python-croniter      jcapitao totol
python-cs            italomga pwouters rominf rommell
python-cssutils      kevin
python-dask          qulogic
python-databases     music
python-dcrpm         dcavalca filbranden salimma
python-debianbts     huzaifas
python-deepdiff      jussilehtola
python-designateclient apevec vkmc
python-devtools      jonathanspw
python-dictdiffer    jmontleon
python-dipy          ankursinha
python-django-formtools jpena mrunge
python-django-mailman3 salimma
python-dunamai       ankursinha
python-earthpy       iztokf
python-elasticsearch aekoroglu piotrp stevetraylen
python-elephant      lbazan
python-elpy          lbazan
python-emcee         sergiopr
python-envisage      orion
python-ephyviewer    vanessakris
python-exdir         ankursinha
python-exoscale      italomga pwouters rominf rommell
python-eyed3         amigadave cicku pjp
python-ezdxf         music
python-f5-icontrol-rest xavierb
python-f5-sdk        xavierb
python-fabric        mhayden
python-falcon        abompard carlwgeorge
python-fastapi       music pwouters rominf
python-ffc           zbyszek
python-filecheck     rathann
python-flake8        aekoroglu fale mrunge sgallagh
python-flake8-builtins cottsay
python-flake8-comprehensions cottsay
python-flake8-import-order cottsay zbyszek
python-flake8-polyfill cottsay
python-flake8-quotes cottsay
python-flask-mailman smani
python-flask-security-too smani
python-flask-socketio music smani
python-formulaic     ankursinha
python-freecell_solver shlomif
python-fsleyes       ankursinha
python-fsleyes-props ankursinha
python-fslpy         ankursinha
python-fsspec        qulogic
python-fvs           gui1ty
python-gcsfs         fab
python-geomdl        music
python-geopandas     qulogic
python-geoplot       qulogic
python-geotiler      iztokf
python-gerritlib     kashyapc
python-glymur        music vanessakris
python-gnocchiclient amoralej mrunge
python-google-cloud-automl fkolwa mhayden miyunari
python-gradunwarp    ankursinha ignatenkobrain
python-guessit       jorti
python-h5io          ankursinha ignatenkobrain
python-hacking       mrunge
python-hdf5storage   ankursinha
python-hdmf          lbazan
python-heatclient    jcapitao
python-hyperkitty    ngompa salimma
python-indexed_gzip  ankursinha
python-interface-meta ankursinha
python-interfile     ankursinha ignatenkobrain
python-ipmi          lbazan
python-ipywidgets    lbalhar
python-jenkins       cottsay
python-jenkins-job-builder ignatenkobrain ktdreyer sicherha
python-jupyter-kernel-test qulogic
python-jupyter-server-ydoc orphan
python-jupyter-sphinx jjames
python-keystoneclient jcapitao
python-klusta        ankursinha
python-lazy-ops      ankursinha
python-lfpy          lbazan victortyau
python-libNeuroML    ankursinha
python-libpysal      qulogic
python-lsp-black     nonamedotc
python-lsp-jsonrpc   nonamedotc
python-lsp-server    nonamedotc
python-m2r           nforro
python-magnumclient  apevec chandankumar
python-manilaclient  zaitcev
python-mapclassify   qulogic
python-mapnik        tomh
python-mathics3      dcavalca
python-mathicsscript dcavalca
python-matrix-nio    ankursinha
python-maya          iztokf
python-mistralclient amoralej
python-mne           ankursinha ignatenkobrain
python-mne-bids      lbazan
python-molecule      chedi gotmax23
python-molecule-docker chedi
python-molecule-podman chedi
python-nashpy        iztokf
python-natsort       jamatos robert
python-netpyne       ankursinha
python-network-runner radez
python-neurom        ankursinha
python-neurosynth    lbazan
python-neutronclient jcapitao
python-nibabel       ankursinha ignatenkobrain
python-nikola        jamatos maxamillion
python-nilearn       ankursinha
python-nipy          ankursinha ignatenkobrain
python-nitime        ankursinha
python-nixio         ankursinha
python-nwdiag        dridi
python-octave-kernel qulogic
python-octaviaclient cgoncalves
python-oletools      rebus robert
python-onionbalance  maha
python-openapi-core  mattia music
python-openapi-spec-validator mattia music
python-openstackclient jcapitao
python-opentelemetry-contrib mhayden music rominf
python-opytimark     iztokf
python-opytimizer    iztokf
python-os-client-config amoralej apevec
python-osc-lib       amoralej apevec hguemar jpena jruzicka
python-oslo-concurrency apevec mrunge
python-oslo-metrics  hiwkby
python-oslo-middleware hiwkby
python-oslo-service  hiwkby
python-pandas-flavor ankursinha
python-papermill     ankursinha
python-paperwork-backend qulogic
python-pari-jupyter  jjames
python-peewee        carlwgeorge cstratak vkrizan
python-pep8-naming   qulogic
python-petlink       ankursinha
python-pingouin      ankursinha
python-plotly        ankursinha
python-plotnine      gui1ty
python-poetry-dynamic-versioning ankursinha
python-postorius     ngompa salimma
python-probeinterface music
python-pvc           raphgro
python-pybids        ankursinha
python-pybv          major
python-pyface        chedi ignatenkobrain orion
python-pylibravatar  kevin
python-pymatreader   ankursinha
python-pymochad      fab
python-pyngus        irina kpvdr orphan
python-pynn          ankursinha
python-pynwb         lbazan
python-pyone         siddharthvipul1
python-pyqtgraph     swt2c
python-pyrtlsdr      jskarvad
python-pyscaffold    ankursinha
python-pyscf         jussilehtola
python-pyshtools     qulogic
python-pytenable     fab
python-pytest-flake8 ngompa salimma
python-pytest-flake8-path cottsay
python-pytest-postgresql mikelo2
python-pyunicorn     ankursinha
python-pyupgrade     thunderbirdtr
python-pyvirtualize  raphgro
python-pyvo          lupinix
python-qcelemental   jussilehtola
python-qcengine      topazus
python-qdarkstyle    nonamedotc
python-qemu-qmp      jsnow
python-reproject     lupinix
python-restfly       fab
python-rosinstall    rmattes
python-rtslib        grover mlombard
python-saharaclient  apevec jruzicka
python-sarif-om      music
python-scikit-build-core lecris thrnciar
python-scikit-image  orion sergiopr
python-sciunit       ankursinha
python-sentry-sdk    italomga pwouters rominf rommell
python-seqdiag       dridi
python-shade         larsks
python-simframe      iztokf
python-sklearn-genetic iztokf
python-sklearn-genetic-opt iztokf
python-slackclient   limb
python-social-auth-core cqi
python-socketio      music smani
python-sphinx_ansible_theme chedi
python-sphinxcontrib-openapi fbo zuul
python-sport-activities-features iztokf
python-spyder-kernels nonamedotc
python-spyking-circus ankursinha
python-sqlalchemy-utils jcapitao pingou
python-streamlink    melmorabity
python-subliminal    jorti
python-tackerclient  amoralej
python-taskflow      apevec eharney
python-textual       jonathanspw
python-tilestache    cottsay
python-traitsui      chedi ignatenkobrain orion
python-trimesh       ankursinha
python-troveclient   jruzicka mrunge
python-twilio        italomga pwouters rominf rommell
python-uhashring     amoralej
python-usort         dcavalca
python-uvicorn       carlwgeorge
python-vconnector    raphgro
python-vevents       raphgro
python-vpoller       raphgro
python-vulture       fab
python-wstool        ankursinha cottsay rmattes
python-wtf-peewee    cstratak vkrizan
python-xarray        qulogic
python-xbout         davidsch
python-zarr          qulogic
python-zuul-client   mhuin zuul
pyutil               anishpatil
qpid-dispatch        irina kpvdr
rebase-helper        nforro phracek
rpkg-util            praiskup
rtlsdr-scanner       jskarvad
sagemath             pcpa
snakemake            major
sourcextractor++     aalvarez
spectrographic       suve
sshuttle             kevin maci
stats-collect        aekoroglu
tmt                  fnecas lzachar psss
translate-toolkit    cicku petersen suanand
uflash               churchyard kushal
usd                  luya music slaanesh
veusz                jsanders
vorta                jonathanspw justinz
watchman             dcavalca filbranden salimma
weasyprint           brouhaha fschwarz
wult                 aekoroglu

# Packages by maintainer:

aalvarez   elements elements-alexandria sourcextractor++
aarem      pdf-stapler python-PyPDF2
abompard   bodhi-server python-celery python-falcon python-flufl-bounce python-lazr-smtptest
acaringi   kernel-tools
adelton    swid-tools
adrian     criu mirrormanager2
aekoroglu  glances pyftpdlib python-autopep8 python-carbon python-django-extensions python-elasticsearch python-flake8 python-iniparse python-iowait python-markdown_2 python-semver python-signedjson python-uvloop python-yara stats-collect wult
agerstmayr pcp
agk        lvm2
ajax       i2c-tools xcb-proto
ajmitchell NFStest
alakatos   sudo
alciregi   python-bluepy python-pynetdicom
alexl      gnome-doc-utils
amigadave  python-diff-match-patch python-eyed3
amoralej   python-binary-memcached python-gnocchiclient python-mistralclient python-os-client-config python-osc-lib python-tackerclient python-uhashring python-yappi
anishpatil pyutil
ankursinha arbor libsonata morphio python-bluepyopt python-bokeh python-catkin_tools python-cattrs python-configupdater python-dipy python-dunamai python-efel python-exdir python-formulaic python-fsleyes python-fsleyes-props python-fslpy python-gradunwarp python-h5io python-hdf5storage python-hdfs python-indexed_gzip python-interface-meta python-interfile python-klusta python-lazy-ops python-libNeuroML python-linuxdoc python-matplotlib-scalebar python-matrix-nio python-mne python-mpd2 python-netpyne python-neurom python-nibabel python-nilearn python-nipy python-nitime python-nixio python-pandas-flavor python-papermill python-pathos python-petlink python-pingouin python-plotly python-poetry-dynamic-versioning python-pybids python-pyfim python-pylatex python-pymatreader python-pynn python-pyphi python-pyscaffold python-pyunicorn python-rstcheck-core python-sciunit python-simplewrap python-sklearn-nature-inspired-algorithms python-spyking-circus python-trimesh python-versioningit python-visionegg-quest python-wstool vit
antorres   python-pyrad
aperezbios sugar sugar-toolkit-gtk3
apevec     python-designateclient python-magnumclient python-openstacksdk python-os-client-config python-osc-lib python-oslo-concurrency python-oslo-log python-pysaml2 python-saharaclient python-taskflow
arnd       dtc
asn        pam_wrapper python-neovim
athoscr    python-firehose
atim       buildstream pre-commit
atkac      fail2ban
avigne     kicad
aviso      python-pluginlib
bcl        livecd-tools
bcotton    condor
besser82   dnfdragora luxcorerender python-nose_fixes
bkircher   botan2
bmarzins   lvm2
bmr        lvm2
bochecha   buildstream ibus-cangjie python3-cangjie
bojan      python3-py3dns
bonzini    dtc
bpostle    vigra
breilly    module-build-service
brouhaha   cvc4 python-grako weasyprint
bruno      livecd-tools pychess
bytehackr  python-uinput
caolanm    gnome-doc-utils
carlwgeorge python-async-generator python-curio python-falcon python-immutables python-peewee python-uvicorn
carmenbianca xonsh
cfeist     lvm2 pcs
cgoncalves python-octaviaclient
chandankumar python-magnumclient
chedi      pre-commit python-ansible-pygments python-molecule python-molecule-docker python-molecule-podman python-optcomplete python-pyface python-pytest-testinfra python-sphinx_ansible_theme python-traitsui
cheeselee  Zim
cheimes    python-black
chimosky   sugar sugar-datastore sugar-toolkit-gtk3
chkr       calibre
churchyard breezy cura httpie mu pipenv pre-commit python-black python-guizero python-launchpadlib python-notebook python-nudatus python-pycodestyle python-uranium pythran thonny uflash
cicku      offlineimap python-apsw python-eyed3 python-pyrad rabbitvcs sword translate-toolkit
clalance   libssh2-python
cleber     python-avocado
codeblock  httpie
cottsay    gr-osmosdr python-bloom python-catkin_tools python-flake8-builtins python-flake8-comprehensions python-flake8-import-order python-flake8-polyfill python-flake8-quotes python-jenkins python-modestmaps python-multi_key_dict python-pytest-flake8-path python-pyzolib python-tilestache python-vcstools python-wstool
cqi        odcs python-social-auth-core
cstratak   ini2toml python-peewee python-wtf-peewee
cverna     python-dockerfile-parse
davdunc    awscli awscli2
davidsch   bout++ python-animatplot python-boutdata python-xbout
dcallagh   matrix-synapse
dcavalca   monkeytype pychess python-TestSlide python-dcrpm python-drgn python-mathics3 python-mathicsscript python-recordclass python-usort python-wordcloud watchman
dcbw       libnl3
design-sw  blender
dfateyev   python-apsw
dmach      dnf-plugins-extras
dmalcolm   python-firehose python-gccinvocation
dmsimard   ara python-box
dodji      offlineimap
dridi      python-actdiag python-blockdiag python-nwdiag python-seqdiag
dshea      python-nss python-rpmfluff
duck       postfix-mta-sts-resolver
dwrobel    dxf2gcode
echevemaster python-protego
eharney    python-taskflow
eischmann  photoqt
ekohl      git-up
ellert     nordugrid-arc python-metakernel
ertzing    uwsgi
fab        andriller androguard awake btest pykka python-acora python-aiozeroconf python-alarmdecoder python-ansiwrap python-bidict python-box python-btlewrap python-check-manifest python-click-spinner python-convertdate python-dominate python-ephem python-fiat python-gcsfs python-ipgetter python-kombu python-lacrosse python-logging-tree python-nmap python-pendulum python-pymochad python-pytenable python-pytest-subtests python-restfly python-smart-gardena python-stdio-mgr python-upoints python-vulture unicorn
fale       awscli python-flake8 python-pyvmomi
fbo        python-sphinxcontrib-openapi
fed500     python-sphinxygen
ferdnyc    python-webscrapbook
filbranden python-TestSlide python-dcrpm python-drgn watchman
fjanus     pyodbc
fkolwa     python-google-cloud-automl python-google-cloud-bigquery python-google-cloud-pubsub python-google-cloud-storage
fnecas     tmt
fnux       cdist
frantisekz oraculum python-celery python-flask-cors python-kombu python-pyopencl
frostyx    copr-dist-git
fschwarz   borgbackup weasyprint
germano    lensfun
gferon     cura python-uranium
girst      mopidy mopidy-mpd
gordonmessmer pyp2rpm
gotmax23   fedrq python-molecule python-orjson
grahamwhiteuk lensfun
greghellings python-yamlordereddictloader sword
grover     python-kmod python-rtslib python-simpleparse
gsauthof   python-asyncssh
gui1ty     python-fvs python-plotnine
heliocastro calibre
hguemar    opencv python-cornice python-daiquiri python-osc-lib python-oslo-log
hhorak     distgen opencv pyodbc
hiwkby     python-kafka python-oslo-metrics python-oslo-middleware python-oslo-service
hlin       odcs
hno        electrum
hobbes1069 fail2ban freecad python-pivy python-pyside2
humaton    bodhi-server
huzaifas   python-debianbts volume_key
hvad       python-dominate
idevat     pcs
ignatenkobrain blender python-gradunwarp python-h5io python-interfile python-jenkins-job-builder python-mne python-nibabel python-nipy python-pyface python-pyoptical python-rpmfluff python-simplewrap python-theano python-traitsui python-visionegg-quest
irina      python-pyngus qpid-dispatch qpid-proton
italomga   python-aiokafka python-azure-storage-blob python-cs python-exoscale python-sentry-sdk python-simple-salesforce python-twilio
iztokf     NiaAML-GUI python-ast-monitor python-cro python-earthpy python-geotiler python-maya python-nashpy python-opytimark python-opytimizer python-pyswarms python-simframe python-sklearn-genetic python-sklearn-genetic-opt python-sklearn-nature-inspired-algorithms python-sport-activities-features
jamatos    pygsl python-cpio python-natsort python-nikola
jcapitao   python-croniter python-heatclient python-keystoneclient python-neutronclient python-openstackclient python-sqlalchemy-utils
jcaratzas  python-logutils
jcpunk     caribou
jdekloe    pygrib pyproj python-metar
jforbes    kernel-tools
jhrozek    pam_wrapper
jhutar     python-rpmfluff
jirka      libnl3
jjames     cvc4 python-ZEO python-ZODB3 python-jupyter-sphinx python-nb2plots python-pari-jupyter python-theano
jkastner   freecad libfreenect python-schedutils sword urjtag
jkonecny   python-pocketlint
jkucera    opencv python-invoke volume_key
jkurik     pcp
jmontleon  python-dictdiffer
jmracek    dnf-plugins-extras
jngrad     espresso
jonathanspw RBTools dnsviz gfal2-python glances ipsilon noggin python-certbot-nginx python-devtools python-flask-babel python-pydiffx python-pylint-venv python-qstylizer python-tables python-textual python-whitenoise python3-script vorta
jonny      electron-cash
jorti      nyx python-google-cloud-dns python-guessit python-rebulk python-stem python-subliminal
jorton     i2c-tools
jpena      dlrn python-cradox python-django-formtools python-openstacksdk python-osc-lib
jpopelka   packit
jridky     opencv
jruzicka   python-osc-lib python-saharaclient python-troveclient
js         electrum
jsanders   veusz
jsbackus   brd
jskarvad   gr-air-modes gr-funcube gr-hpsdr gr-iqbal gr-osmosdr gr-rds python-pyrtlsdr rtlsdr-scanner
jsnow      python-qemu-qmp
junghans   espresso
jussilehtola mrchem psi4 python-deepdiff python-pyscf python-qcelemental
justinz    vorta
jwboyer    dtc kernel-tools
jzerdik    i2c-tools
kalev      d-feet flatpak-module-tools transmageddon
karolinku  dlrn
kashyapc   python-gerritlib
kathenas   libfreenect
kevin      calibre datagrepper datanommer-commands ipsilon pdc-client py-radix pyp2rpm python-cpio python-cssutils python-logutils python-pylibravatar python-pytest-virtualenv python3-py3dns sshuttle
kpvdr      python-pyngus qpid-dispatch qpid-proton
ksurma     pipenv python-notebook thonny
ktdreyer   python-cram python-jenkins-job-builder python-notario python-tambo
kushal     mu uflash
kwizart    blender libfreenect luxcorerender opencv
kzak       lvm2 sudo
lachmanfrantisek packit
larsks     python-shade
lbalhar    micropipenv python-ipywidgets python-pysnooper python-pytest-venv
lbarczio   packit
lbazan     pydeps python-chaospy python-elephant python-elpy python-hdmf python-ipmi python-lfpy python-mne-bids python-neurosynth python-numpoly python-parsley python-pynwb
lberk      pcp
lbrabec    oraculum
lczerner   system-storage-manager
lecris     python-scikit-build-core
leigh123linux caribou
lenkaseg   bodhi-server
lgoncalv   kernel-tools
lholecek   pdc-client
limb       awscli gnome-doc-utils python-basemap python-blowfish python-qpageview python-slackclient rabbitvcs zbar
lkundrak   kicad
lsedlar    odcs pdc-client
lupinix    ginga python-astropy-healpix python-astropy-helpers python-astroquery python-astroscrappy python-ccdproc python-iniparse python-pyvo python-reproject
luya       blender luxcorerender openshadinglanguage usd
lvm-team   lvm2
lzachar    python-pint tmt
maci       python-apsw sshuttle
maha       python-onionbalance
major      pre-commit python-pybv snakemake
martstyk   beaker
mattdm     sudo
mattia     python-jsonschema-spec python-openapi-core python-openapi-spec-validator python-robosignatory
matyas     condor
mauelsha   lvm2
maxamillion python-dockerfile-parse python-nikola
mbaldessari python-uri-templates
mblaha     dnf-plugins-extras
mbroz      lvm2
mchehab    zbar
mcsontos   lvm2
meeuw      pgcli
melmorabity emacs-jedi python-streamlink
merlinm    python-avocado
mfocko     packit
mgieseki   cxxtest
mhayden    azure-cli oci-cli python-fabric python-google-cloud-automl python-google-cloud-bigquery python-google-cloud-pubsub python-google-cloud-storage python-javaproperties python-opentelemetry python-opentelemetry-contrib python-semver
mhuin      python-zuul-client
miguel7ra  python-liblarch
mikelo2    httpie pg_activity python-mirakuru python-pytest-postgresql python-yara
mikem      module-build-service
mikep      unicorn
mipatras   gfal2-python
mitr       m2crypto volume_key
miyunari   python-google-cloud-automl python-google-cloud-bigquery python-google-cloud-pubsub python-google-cloud-storage
mlisik     pcs
mlombard   python-kmod python-rtslib python-simpleparse
mmarusak   python-testing.postgresql
mmassari   packit
mohanboddu python-mechanize
mpospisi   pcs
mrunge     python-celery python-django-formtools python-flake8 python-gnocchiclient python-hacking python-kombu python-oslo-concurrency python-pint python-troveclient
msuchy     copr-dist-git python-hwdata python-testing.postgresql
mtasaka    gphotoframe
music      NiaAML-GUI blender jrnl openshadinglanguage pgcli pre-commit python-asyncpg python-colorcet python-databases python-ezdxf python-fastapi python-flask-socketio python-geomdl python-glymur python-openapi-core python-openapi-spec-validator python-opentelemetry python-opentelemetry-contrib python-probeinterface python-sarif-om python-socketio python-yte usd
nathans    pcp
nb         certbot python-certbot-apache python-certbot-dns-cloudflare python-certbot-dns-cloudxns python-certbot-dns-digitalocean python-certbot-dns-dnsimple python-certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy python-certbot-dns-gehirn python-certbot-dns-google python-certbot-dns-linode python-certbot-dns-luadns python-certbot-dns-nsone python-certbot-dns-ovh python-certbot-dns-rfc2136 python-certbot-dns-route53 python-certbot-dns-sakuracloud python-certbot-nginx python-josepy
netvor     ydiff
nforro     awscli2 packit python-m2r rebase-helper
ngompa     appliance-tools dnfdragora livecd-tools m2crypto mailman3 manafirewall noggin python-celery python-django-allauth python-django-extensions python-flask-babel python-hyperkitty python-klein python-kombu python-postorius python-pytest-flake8 python-whitenoise
nikromen   packit
nonamedotc python-jsonrpc-server python-libsass python-lsp-black python-lsp-jsonrpc python-lsp-server python-qdarkstyle python-qstylizer python-rope python-spyder-kernels python-textdistance
nphilipp   aubio lensfun libffado lilv pdc-client python-slip
ohaessler  Zim lensfun
olysonek   i2c-tools
omular     pcs
opohorel   breezy python-fastbencode python-launchpadlib
orion      conda fail2ban h5py oct2spec python-envisage python-pycodestyle python-pyface python-scikit-image python-traitsui
orphan     python-cypy python-jupyter-server-ydoc python-podman-api python-pyngus python-pyoptical rmlint
osandov    python-drgn
osloup     pyodbc
otaylor    flatpak-module-tools
patrickt   kernel-tools
pbrobinson dtc kernel-tools pyee sugar-toolkit-gtk3 upm
pcpa       python-cypari2 python-flask-babel python-fpylll sagemath
pemensik   dnsviz
peter      python-pyaes python-pyrad
petersen   translate-toolkit
phracek    distgen rebase-helper
pingou     fedora-gather-easyfix python-celery python-kombu python-sqlalchemy-utils
piotrp     python-carbon python-elasticsearch python-whitenoise
pjones     lvm2
pjp        python-eyed3 python-kombu
pkratoch   dnf-plugins-extras
pkubat     distgen
pnemade    ansible-lint fontdump python-wcmatch wordxtr
praiskup   copr-dist-git distgen dnf-plugin-diff rpkg-util
prajnoha   lvm2
principis  thefuck
psavelye   python-py9p
pschindl   python-pytest-metadata
psss       tmt
puiterwijk ipsilon
pwalter    b43-tools rabbitvcs
pwouters   python-aiokafka python-azure-storage-blob python-cs python-exoscale python-fastapi python-sentry-sdk python-simple-salesforce python-twilio python-uvloop
qulogic    asv paperwork python-cartopy python-dask python-fsspec python-geomet python-geopandas python-geoplot python-jupyter-kernel-test python-libpysal python-mapclassify python-mplcursors python-octave-kernel python-paperwork-backend python-partd python-pep8-naming python-pyshtools python-xarray python-zarr
qwan       odcs
radez      python-ansible-runner python-network-runner
raphgro    enki pdf-stapler python-jep python-pvc python-pyvirtualize python-pyvmomi python-qutepart python-semver python-test_server python-vconnector python-vevents python-vpoller
rathann    calypso python-GridDataFormats python-OBD python-filecheck
rcallicotte python-pyvmomi
rdieter    eric lensfun
rebus      dionaea python-oletools python-smbpasswd python-yara
rga        classification-banner
rhughes    gnome-doc-utils
rmattes    flann libfreenect python-bloom python-catkin_tools python-rosinstall python-vcstools python-wstool
robert     python-natsort python-oletools
rominf     python-aiokafka python-azure-storage-blob python-cs python-exoscale python-fastapi python-opentelemetry python-opentelemetry-contrib python-sentry-sdk python-simple-salesforce python-tokenize-rt python-twilio
rommell    python-aiokafka python-azure-storage-blob python-cs python-exoscale python-sentry-sdk python-simple-salesforce python-twilio
rsroka     sudo
rstoyanov  criu
rstrode    gnome-doc-utils
salimma    mailman3 monkeytype python-TestSlide python-dcrpm python-django-allauth python-django-mailman3 python-django3 python-drgn python-hyperkitty python-mistune08 python-neovim python-postorius python-pytest-flake8 python-rust-update-set watchman
sbonazzo   imgbased
scoady     python-pathtools
scottt     urjtag
scox       pcp
sdgathman  roca-detect
sdyroff    python-ansi
sergesanspaille offlineimap
sergiomb   opencv
sergiopr   APLpy python-arviz python-emcee python-pandas-datareader python-scikit-image python-theano
sgallagh   python-flake8
shardy     heat-cfntools
sharkcz    gr-rds
shlomif    freecell-solver python-freecell_solver
sicherha   python-jenkins-job-builder
siddharthvipul1 python-pyone
simo       ipsilon python-urllib-gssapi
slaanesh   blender luxcorerender openshadinglanguage usd xcb-proto zbar
slankes    python-mygpoclient
smani      python-flask-login python-flask-mailman python-flask-security-too python-flask-socketio python-socketio
spike      python-certbot-dns-plesk
spot       pyke
steved     NFStest
stevenfalco kicad
stevetraylen h5py python-elasticsearch
stingray   pyflowtools
suanand    translate-toolkit
suraia     distro-info
survient   python-leveldb
suve       cozy liquidctl spectrographic
swt2c      python-pyopengl python-pyqtgraph
szeth      python-azure-storage-blob
tachoknight swift-lang
tadej      pew python-pydocstyle
tagoh      fonts-tweak-tool
tao-j      ustreamer
tartina    aubio lilv
tbzatek    nvme-stas
tchaikov   python3-saml
terjeros   h5py python-audioread python-ptrace
teuf       offlineimap
tflink     python-yourls
thaller    libnl3
thm        botan2 etckeeper ikiwiki
thrnciar   python-scikit-build-core
thunderbirdtr audiotube dnfdragora manafirewall python-pyupgrade python-ytmusicapi
tmz        fail2ban
tojeline   pcs
tomh       pyosmium python-mapnik
topazus    python-qcengine
torsava    pipenv
totol      python-croniter
trawets    system-storage-manager
trix       lensfun
ttheisen   condor
ttomecek   packit python-dockerfile-parse
twaugh     python-dockerfile-parse
uraeus     transmageddon
v02460     matrix-synapse
valtri     condor
vanessakris python-ephyviewer python-glymur shybrid
victortyau python-lfpy
vkmc       python-designateclient
vkrizan    python-peewee python-wtf-peewee
vpv        python-mygpoclient
vtrefny    python-pocketlint
whot       piper
xavierb    python-f5-icontrol-rest python-f5-sdk
yanqiyu    onboard
zaitcev    python-manilaclient
zaneb      heat-cfntools
zbyszek    PyMca calibre conda diffoscope dolfin python-deap python-ffc python-flake8-import-order python-igor python-music21 python-ndindex python-pysb python-pysnooper python-tables
zfridric   sudo
zkabelac   lvm2
zmiklank   distgen
zuul       python-sphinxcontrib-openapi python-zuul-client