Debian and derivatives already mitigate the potential harm for thesecases by requiring the "--install-layout=deb" option to be passed toget distutils to install into the system directories rather than doingit by default: approach means that any harm caused by "sudo pip install X" cansubsequently be fully reversed by doing "sudo pip uninstall X".
For whatever it’s worth, at some point in time I plan on attempting to formalize the Debian solution (or something akin to it) within a PEP and try to get baked in support for it in Python.
I also feel required to point out that ``sudo pip uninstall`` isn’t always enough, because while the two systems install to different locations, pip currently will uninstall the files in /usr when installing to /usr/local. They’ve patched their copy of pip to refuse to uninstall files from /usr, but upstream pip will still do it. Again, something I hope to get sorted at some point (and of course, an upgrade totally restores the files in /usr).