I'm trying to, for the first time, run a query using advanced query options.  I have tested my query in the bugzilla search arena so I know what results I'm expecting.  Two issues have come up trying to run the search from the bugzilla command line.

First, when I use URL option I get 0 results when I know I should get > 1.

bugzilla query -u 'https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?classification=Red%20Hat&component=perl-qpid&component=python-qpid&component=qpid-cpp&component=qpid-java&component=qpid-jca&component=qpid-proton&component=qpid-qmf&component=qpid-sdk&component=qpid-snmpd&component=qpid-tests&component=qpid-tools&f2=OP&f3=bug_status&f4=bug_status&f5=bug_status&f6=bug_status&f7=CP&j2=AND_G&j_top=OR&list_id=1622662&o3=changedafter&o4=changedbefore&o5=changedto&o6=changedfrom&product=Red%20Hat%20Enterprise%20MRG&query_format=advanced&target_milestone=3.0&v3=2013-04-01&v4=2013-08-01&v5=MODIFIED&v6=ASSIGNED'

When I use debug and verbose all seems well, 0 bugs returned - which is wrong.

Second, I have tried to use --boolean_query option; however, I have used this option only for flag types in the past so for me this is new territory.  Basically I'm trying to recreate the above query using --boolean_query with no success.   An very short example of what I have tried.

bugzilla query -p 'Red Hat MRG' --boolean_type='status.changedto.MODIFIED'

I'm sure the above is completely wrong, any suggestions are appreciated.


Eric L. Sammons                            elsammons at gmail dot com