On 22. jan 2006, at 0.49, Brian D. Carlstrom wrote:
Brian Durant writes:
If the above works more or less as described, would there be any problems with the OpenFirmware and yaboot if I installed Linux with the OS X drive unplugged, just in case - up in space?
with linux on drive "b" with the "a" drive unplugged? the only concern I would have is that it might make the /etc/fstab mount tab assuming that since its the only drive that its the "a" drive. Then again, it should know what drive it is from the controller. I don't think you'll break anything, and at worst I can imagine that you could just boot and fix the /etc/fstab after the fact.
OK, copy that. I am at this moment writing from my G5 with the Macintosh HD in the bottom bay (sdb in Linux):
Capacity: 152.67 GB Model: Maxtor 6Y160M0 Revision: YAR51HW0 Serial Number: Y47HLC5E Removable Media: No Detachable Drive: No BSD Name: disk0 Protocol: ata Unit Number: 0 Socket Type: Serial-ATA Bay Name: "B (lower)" OS9 Drivers: No S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified Volumes: Macintosh HD: Capacity: 152.54 GB Available: 112.89 GB Writable: Yes File System: Journaled HFS+ BSD Name: disk0s3 Mount Point: /
You have to press control-O at the start chimes to get a graphical interface in OpenFirware and then you can chose which drive to boot from. I don't know yet if this change "sticks", but I have also gone into the system prefs and chosen the OS X folder under "startup disk", just to be on the safe side. I'll try to install Fedora Core 4 PPC with both drives plugged in, in a little while. Hopefully I'll reply that everything is OK ;-) BTW, the drive switch went OK without a hitch, but it is a little fiddly until you learn the system. The drive for the "op" bay has to go in first. You place the back pins in a track with a roller coaster shape that goes from down to up and push, until you can lift the front of the drive and slide it into the top track. The "bottom" drive goes straight in. No sign of "slave" or "master" pins being used with SATA on my G5 :-)