Hello everybody,
After weeks of struggling with Mac Mini + FC4 + ATI RAdeon 9200 + Dell 2005 FPW, I got the display to work with 1400x1050 resolution. Now, I have ran into another problem - No FLASH plug-in available for Linux & PPC architecture. Could someone please point me to any link or resource that mentions how I can get flash to work with firefox in PPC? I tried looking for this already but the closest solution I came across was to use the LIVNA repo in YUM. That didn't work for me.
Any help is appreciated guys,
Regards, Deepak
On Sun, 2006-01-15 at 11:58 -0500, Deepak Seshadri wrote:
Hello everybody,
After weeks of struggling with Mac Mini + FC4 + ATI RAdeon 9200 + Dell 2005 FPW, I got the display to work with 1400x1050 resolution. Now, I have ran into another problem - No FLASH plug-in available for Linux & PPC architecture. Could someone please point me to any link or resource that mentions how I can get flash to work with firefox in PPC? I tried looking for this already but the closest solution I came across was to use the LIVNA repo in YUM. That didn't work for me.
Any help is appreciated guys,
Regards, Deepak
The bad news is I don't believe Macromedia (Adobe) has produced a flash build for ppc Linux. Without that, we're stuck.
On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 12:04:27 -0500 Jesse wrote: JK> The bad news is I don't believe Macromedia (Adobe) has produced a flash JK> build for ppc Linux. Without that, we're stuck.
So the question becomes: Which would be more productive: hacking together ppc rpms for qemu, or a petition to get Adobe to release a ppc version. I'd guess the first. Has anyone actually done it yet? Does it work?
What about the new flash stuff announced by the GNU folks last week? Does it run on ppc?
On Sun, 2006-01-15 at 14:45 -0500, Robert Story wrote:
So the question becomes: Which would be more productive: hacking together ppc rpms for qemu, or a petition to get Adobe to release a ppc version. I'd guess the first. Has anyone actually done it yet? Does it work?
There's a qemu packages in Extras, which I thought had a patch to make it build with gcc4. Maybe it needs a little more work though.
I've had acroread working that way inside a firefox window, but that's not going to work for the flash plugin -- running in qemu requires a separate process. You'd have to combine it with something like http://www.gibix.net/projects/nspluginwrapper/
What about the new flash stuff announced by the GNU folks last week? Does it run on ppc?
Yes, but it's buggy as hell. I think swfdec currently does a better job, although it's still not particularly good. The original gplflash works OK on older flash files, but nothing later than flash 4 iirc.
Certainly, getting one of the free players to work correctly is the best option in the long term. And they're _almost_ usable now.
Deepak Seshadri wrote:
Hello everybody,
After weeks of struggling with Mac Mini + FC4 + ATI RAdeon 9200 + Dell 2005 FPW, I got the display to work with 1400x1050 resolution. Now, I have ran into another problem - No FLASH plug-in available for Linux & PPC architecture. Could someone please point me to any link or resource that mentions how I can get flash to work with firefox in PPC? I tried looking for this already but the closest solution I came across was to use the LIVNA repo in YUM. That didn't work for me.
you /can/ use qemu to call the i386 flash plugin, while sitting on your ppc firefox. it should invoke correctly (has been done before).
roadblocks you currently face include compiling qemu yourself as fedora doesn't build a package for FC4. you need gcc compat libraries for this, and use gcc32 (or gcc33), as gcc4 and qemu don't bode well together
as for documentation, i don't have any handy /yet/, but a goal for january is to get all the ppc documentation up to scratch. good luck :)