Thank you for the quick response, but I am still having a few problems. Regarding the SELinux is it a bad thing to have on?

On May 22, 2005, at 7:37 PM, Colin Charles wrote:
I'm trying it out on my iBook and its pretty cool, I can get it to  
install and everything but when it tries to mount the / partition it  
gives me the error

What FC release is this? Is SELinux enabled? Are you by any chance using

it is FC 4 test 3.92 and SELinux is enabled.
I don't think I'm using LVM, but I'm not sure.
Checking filesystems
fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'LABEL=/'

vi /etc/fstab
change LABEL=/ to just have it pointing to /dev/hdaX (where X is where /
is located)

I tried doing this but I got the waring that I was trying to edit a read only file. I was unable to override this with w! or wq!.

thanks again for your help
-adam hitchcock

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