I ran across this while doing a fedora-review:

Package does not own files or directories owned by other packages.
  Note: Dirs in package are owned also by:
  /usr/lib/gap/pkg/aclib/gap(languages, langpacks:, enabled, are, No),
  /usr/lib/gap/pkg/aclib/htm(languages, langpacks:, enabled, are, No),
  /usr/lib/gap/pkg/aclib/doc(languages, langpacks:, enabled, are, No),
  /usr/lib/gap/pkg/aclib(languages, langpacks:, enabled, are, No)
It apparently can be resolved by upgrading to dnf-langpacks-0.12.0-2

More detail can be found here:


Just wanted folks to be aware that the recent dnf changes are affecting the packaging tools.