This package httrack, may have some problems in itself. As far as I can see from Google, 3.4[3-5] to higher also have this problem on other distros. I can see gentoo bug and debian bug of this, too. So I think the symlinks are created by upstream or whatsoever.
I did a major update to httrack days ago:
You can see I didn't change any major things. Just spec cleanup, remove obsoleted or not found files only.
Panu has some words at below places since 08', 3 of them are very interesting:
I believe I've received similar discussion emails in this year, too.
%pretrans solution is not mentioned in packaging scriptlet page of wiki, I think we should add it before there comes a solution forever.
I've fixed the update problem, and uploaded them to:
Please test.
Now I meet new problem(to save the place I pasted them to fpaste):
Please tell me if this can be ignored or not...