Hey all,

I wanted to get some input on Django Groups vs. Custom Role objects similar to what we had before.  First let me expound on the idea and then offer my potential solutions.

The Django group, which is a collection of permissions, is very basic and doesn't have much extra support.  You can assign it permissions and give it a name but there is no direct way to extend it.  This presents the question of how to tie an IdP to a set of groups.

The possible options I see:
1) Create a separate model that essentially connects an IdP to a set of groups.
2) Create a custom Role model that contains an IdP, and a set of permissions (and any other fields that might be necessary).
3) Add a field such that when you create (or edit) the IdP the Django groups are stored within the IdP model itself.

Let me know your thoughts.

Eric Helms