It's no problem, I've fixed it with this.  The problems I was having went away with this change.


On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 2:53 PM, Andrew Brown <> wrote:
ssh_tools, prov, and osutils should be updated if they're using the Opus logger. I was not in charge of those, although I should have checked. The opus logger itself uses the standard library logger, which does NOT use a PEP8 name and thus should stay getLogger(). Although the documentation within the log module should be updated to reflect the new usage.

Does that make sense? I forgot to check modules that I wasn't in charge of, and I forgot to update the documentation in opus.lib.log

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Brian Bouterse <> wrote:
The logger was recently rewritten and I want to make sure all the references using the old logger are updated.  I think there are some lingering things that weren't totally changed and I think are causing me some issues.  Basically during the logger rewrite, getLogger() was refactored into get_logger('nameoflogger') which means any lingering references to getLogger() should also be updated.  right?

When I grep for "getLogger" on all of opus I get:

[bmbouter@opus opus]$ grep -r "getLogger" ./
./lib/ = opus.lib.log.getLogger()
./lib/osutils/ = log.getLogger()
./lib/osutils/ = log.getLogger()
./lib/osutils/ = log.getLogger()
./lib/ application should get its own logger with the getLogger() function.  Here
./lib/>>> log = opus.lib.log.getLogger()
./lib/    opusroot = logging.getLogger("opus")
./lib/    applogger = logging.getLogger("opus."+name)
./lib/prov/deltacloud_old/ = logging.getLogger("deltacloud")

The entried in are all documentation really, but what about the others?  Should I got through and update those?


Brian Bouterse
ITng Services

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Brian Bouterse
ITng Services